

Full Glossary for R6-EW

The subject of The GPMs, including materials related to R6-EW, was researched by Ron Hubbard in the 1960s. A full record of this research is part of the Briefing Course and its many taped lectures. It is however not necessary to know every twist and turn of this research if one's purpose is simply to understand how this Level is Solo-audited. This glossary should give you a sound foundation for your practical understanding.


Anything that has opposing sides of equal force, especially postulate-counter-postulate, intention-counter-intention or idea-counter-idea. 2. It is an intention-counter-intention that worries the Preclear.

A long time effort to reach a certain end result. This end result can be a beingness, doingness or havingness. Example of a beingness: to become the leader or top figure of something. Doingness: To become the best (most skillful) chess player I can be. Havingness: To own a million dollars of property. 
Over time the PC has pursued many different Goals. Some of these major Goals (one at a time) defined the Beings livingness; his beingness, doingness and havingness. To succeed the Being had to overcome obstacles and opposition.
Any such Goal will have a long series of Engrams, Overts and Withholds, etc. connected to it. If we have the Goal 'To reach the North Pole by dog sledge' (just an example) you can imagine the troubles and hardships the person had to endure to succeed. Injury, freezing, exhaustion, starvation, fighting polar bears, causing death of other expedition members, etc. They all formed Engrams, Overts, Withholds, etc.

1. The Whole Track is the moment to moment record of a person’s existence in this universe in picture form. Also called the Time-Track.

1. A GPM is composed of mental masses and significances which have the same general pattern from person to person. The significances and masses in GPMs dictate certain types of aberrated attitudes and behaviors, pains, sicknesses, feelings of heaviness, tiredness, and other undesirable things. The significances are usually behind aberrated behavior; the masses, when pulled in on the individual, are more likely to cause psychosomatic illnesses, pains or feelings of heaviness and tiredness.

2. A mental energy-mass (or ridge) in the Preclears mind. It came about as a result of a series of long range Goals the Preclear pursued over many lifetimes - one at the time. Each built up mass due to opposition from others and ensuing Engrams, Overts, Withholds, etc. - as explained under 'Goals' above. A Goal is pursued for many, many years and builds up mass. It's what defines the persons beingness, doingness and havingness at the time.  The conflict between this Goal and the opposition it faces and continuously has to fight is the basis of the GPM. A new version of that Goal and its opposition adds a new Pair to that GPM. Each Pair is in other words a recorded "eternal conflict". A GPM that comes about this way (as a result of living) is called an Actual GPM.

3. The GPM is a problem created by two or more opposing ideas. They confront or oppose each other in a balanced way. This unresolved conflict of ideas or Goals results in a mental mass. A GPM is a mental energy mass.

4. Ron Hubbard explains the basic mechanism this way: "If you took two fire hoses and pointed them at each other, their streams would not reach each other’s nozzles, but would splatter against one another in midair. If this splatter were to hang there, it would be a ball of messed up water. Call hose A the force the PC has used to execute his Goal. Call hose B the force other dynamics have used to oppose that Goal. Where these two forces have perpetually met, a mental mass is created.
This is the picture of any problem - force opposing force with resultant mass. Where the PC’s Goal meets constant opposition, you have in the Reactive Mind the resultant mass caused by the two forces: GOAL = force of getting it done, OPPOSITION = force opposing it getting done. This is the Goal Problem Mass." (excerpt from taped lecture).

1. An Implant is an intentional action of overwhelming the Being (Thetan) with an idea, Goal or other significance. The overwhelm can be done by various means, including use of drugs. The most common method of overwhelm on the Time-track applies some kind of electronics or electro-chock.
The Implant is a way to install a fixed idea in a Thetan's mind by artificial means. It is done in an attempt to gain control over that Being's behavior.

2.  An Implant is shocking someone with an electric shock and saying something at the same time. Also it could be making a loud noise and at the same time saying something, doing this on a patterned basis.

There are two principal types of GPMs: 1) Actual GPMs and 2) Implant GPMs.

An 'Actual Goals Problems Mass' comes about as a result of pursuing own Goals in life and living. Within one GPM there is a series of related Goals, all related to one major subject expressed as a noun they have in common (End-word) in the Goals statements.

In pursuing a Goal the activity will generate opposition and opponents. It quickly develops into a game with two sides. The Terminal (self) pursuing the Goal on the one side and the opposition and opponents on the other; the opposed side adds up to what we call the Opposition Goal and the Opposition Terminal (Opp-Term). The two sides of the conflict (Terminal><Opposition Terminal) are under one is called a Pair.

Such a conflict builds up a mass. At some point the Preclear decided to give up on that Goal. Failures, Engrams, Overts and Withholds will have added up and made it too hard to continue. The Preclear will try a slightly different approach, the next Goal in that GPM. After a while that is too painful to pursue as well. The recording in the mind of each conflict is left behind and the Preclear will go on to a new approach. We get a series of Pairs consisting of real identities, so-called reliable Items (RIs) operating on opposite Goals. There is a finite number of such Pairs in each Actual GPM. Each Pair is related to the next Pair in a set pattern. In other words within such a series of Goals the next Goal in line is a close relative to the previous one.

Fictive example: The person's beingness  could be a "God's Man" with the Goal "to do good deeds". An opposite Reliable Item could be "The Devil's Servant" with the Goal of "to do the Devil's deeds".
This, as an active conflict, took place in some period of the past; it has a definite location on the Preclears Time-track. The beingness (RI), 'God's man' with the Goal, 'to do good deeds' was at some point abandoned as the Thetan failed to live up to it over time due to the opposition and Engrams, Overts and Withholds accumulated that made it too painful to pursue. The Thetan's next beingness (RI) could be "A just man" with the Goal "to reward good deeds". This could be opposed by something like "to invite bad deeds" done by "The Devil's temptator" and we have the thing going. As you can probably see from the example a Goal and beingness can be opposed in various ways. The obvious one would be "to punish good deeds".

This series of conflicts between two opposite Goals and beingnesses (RIs) would be the basic pattern of how the black masses called a GPM are formed.

At some point anything that has to do with "deeds" (the End-word) will be abandoned and a completely new series of Goals is started, forming a new GPM. 

Actual GPMs in terms of aberrative power are much stronger than Locks, Secondaries and Engrams. An actual GPM gets built up over a vast period of time. Ten of thousands or millions of years and countless lifetimes. It's the PCs whole-track history that stacks up this way. It's like an actual GPM is similar to a big, solid mountain; Engrams and Secondaries are like the grass growing on the surface, and Locks are like smoke blowing over the grass just obscuring it. 

( IMPLANT GOALS PROBLEM MASS). An Implant GPM is a GPM made up of Goals (and their opposing Goals) which are not the Preclears own but which have been implanted. The Goals, in other words, did not come about as a self-determined decision and course of action but simply as an Implant.
Such an implanted GPM would derive its real power from Actual GPMs.
The power of Implanted GPMs over the Preclear are based on the mechanics of the actual pattern of living (Actual GPMs). They are implanted maliciously to entrap a Thetan and enforce obedience to certain behavior patterns.
The Goals implanted are not individually based on the Thetan's history but is a general pattern of Goals selected by the implanter to bring about maximum obedience and easy control of a whole group of individual subjects.

A Goal given as an Implant. It starts with "to" and then it has a verb (Root-word) and then it has an End-word. A Goal could be: "to catch cats". "To catch" would be the root, and "cats" the End-word.

A series of Implants given to all Thetans in this part of the universe. They are addressed through auditing on the Clearing Course, where they step by step are erased. Full erasure of the CC Implants results in the state of Clear.

A series of Implants given to all Thetans in this part of the universe. They are addressed through auditing on Advanced Level II. "All available charge off the OT II Implant materials" results in Pre-OT II Completion.

A Platen is a map that gives the content and sequence of one Implant. There are many Implants and many Platens that make up the Level. One line on a Platen is usually considered as one Item. It is used on the CC and Pre-OT II.

The basic technique used in auditing out known Implants. Generally speaking, the Solo-auditor will take up one Item at a time from the Platen. It can be a verbal Item or a non-verbal one. Each Item is addressed many times and will read on the Meter. Gradually the charge will get flattened (much like flattening a button when doing bull-baiting on TR-0). When a particular Item no longer produces any Meter reaction the Solo-auditor moves on to the next Item.

TERMINAL (also referred to as TERM ):
1. General definition: It is any fixed mass used in a communication system as an end-point or relay-point. It is any mass used in a fixed position in any communications system. Examples would be a person's body - what you perceive as being him/her. But a post or hat in an organization would also be a terminal. It would be anything you would confidently send a communication to with the understanding that it would be received, duplicated or relayed.

1. On CC and Pre-OT II it simply means a line from an Implant Platen.

2. The term Item is used to refer to Terminals inside a GPM. There are two different kinds of Items within a GPM: A) Terminals and, B) Opposition Terminals:

A. TERMINAL, Related to GPMs:
An identity the Pre-OT has actually been at some point in the past (plus the Pre-OTs identity in p.t.). It is "the PC’s own valence" at that time. In the GPM, those identities which, when contacted, produce pain are the Terminals. The person could feel pain only as himself (Thetan plus body). Identities the Pre-OT has actually been produce pain when the mental black masses they left behind are contacted in processing.

B. OPPOSITION TERMINAL (also referred to as OPP-TERMS):
An identity (or Item) which the Pre-OT has in opposition to his own intentions. This is (was) in other words a hostile identity or someone in opposition to the Pre-OT. This was usually some time in the past, but enemies/opponents (and masses in the OT-Bank connected to them) can of course exist in present time as well. We call them opposition terminals - or simply Opp-terms. The Pre-OT recognizes such a terminal as 'I am not being that identity'. Therefore it can't produce pain; the Pre-OT can only experience sensation from it.
When such an Opp-Term (meaning the mental masses such a 'not me' beingness has left behind) is contacted in processing it produces only sensation, never pain.

What is taking place inside these GPMs could be compared to an electrical circuit or current between a Plus Terminal and a Minus Terminal.
We find these two types of Terminals within a GPM. That is just a matter of empirical experience.
The one type of Terminal (Term) is the part the Pre-OT thinks of as his/her own valence, him- or herself. The other type of Terminal the Pre-OT thinks of as being in opposition, Opp-Terms.
Both the Terminal and the Opp-Terms in the GPM have mass and significance and have the
appearance of receiving and giving communication; so they are both correctly labeled terminals.

1. A set of two; two that go together. The Term and Opp-Term form a Pair.

A Dichotomy in relation to GPMs means plus and minus. A plus word and a minus word.
They are of the same order of things. They always belong to the same overall group or subject. A crude example would be "A Pear" and
"Pearlessness". That’s a Pair, a Dichotomy.
We could have "White" and "Black" form a Dichotomy. The subject they have in common would be visibility.
Plus and minus form a current between them as you will find in an electrical battery.
We don’t simply mean active/passive. For example, the active, such as "Soldier" and the passive, such as "Civilian" do not form a Dichotomy.
We mean the bold PLUS and MINUS of something, two opposites of a major subject or idea.

Each major idea has two parts: a PLUS and a MINUS. These are opposed to each other.
They interchange current. The are in conflict. What is generally agreed to be the unwanted or poor side is minus. What is generally conceived to be all right is plus.
On the subject of war the Minus to a soldier could be a pacifist activist.
Or it could be a friendly soldier opposite an enemy soldier.
Other example: we have the major idea that an individual has a financial status. Wealth is the PLUS and Poverty is the MINUS.
So a DICHOTOMY means two parts of a major idea.
We have two opposites in active conflict with each other.
Each GPM has Items, by definition. When these are mapped you have a Line Plot. The Line Plot shows the pattern of the Items inside the GPM--how they relate and interact.

In some Implant GPMs the Line Plots are already known. The Preclear will be given a full map (the so-called Platens) and does not have to map the Line Plots himself. 

An End-word is the final word of a Goal. It is always a noun or a condition made into a noun.
For example, with a Goal such as "To Grab Books", 'Books' is the End-word. Each End-word,
however, has many verb or action words related to it, thus making up a series of Goals.
('to grab books, 'to read books', to burn books', to throw away books', etc., etc.)
End-words are called End-words because they come on the end of each Goal in a series.
It is the End-word that is the common denominator to the whole of a GPM.

The Root-word is the verb. It's what we are going to do to the End-word. In the examples above 'books' was the End-word. The verbs 'grab', 'read', 'burn', throw away', etc. are Root-words. Each Goal (of many) in a GPM consist of a simple statement. All Goals in one GPM have the End-word in common. The Goals make up a complicated and conflicting pattern of forces due to the Root-words. You have to do dozens of conflicting things with these books to try to comply with the GPM.

The Root-words are heavily repeated in the GPM structures of the Bank. Don't chase them.  If you try to find them out of context of the whole pattern  you may restimulate many End-words. This is because  the same Root-words apply to many widely different Pairs of End-words. The Root-word "to grab" can be followed by all kinds of End-words: "to grab books", "to grab clothes", "to grab food", and so on.  End-words apply to finite sections of the GPM Bank and are less prone to cause crisscross restimulation. Running End-words, on the contrary, causes a net blow of charge and is thus good processing resulting in erasures and EPs.  

On Pre-OT II knowing all these rules and forces inside a GPM is not that crucial as the Pre-OT follows a mapped route, called a Line-Plot. The Line-plot of Pre-OT II  gives a set of Goals and Items all Pre-OTs have in common.

A Goal in a GPM starts with "to" and then it has a Root and then it has an End-word. A Goal could be: "to catch cats". "To catch" would be the root, and "cats" the End-word.

1. The Whole Track is the moment to moment record of a person’s existence in this universe
in pictures and impression form.

1. A series of recordings of similar experiences. A chain has Engrams, Secondaries and Locks.
2. Incidents of similar nature strung out in time. 3. A series of incidents of similar nature
or subject matter.

© Prometheus International, 2004. Plus fair use quotes from Ron Hubbard's published notes and works.