Half the
population are bullied by a serial bully ... most only recognize it when they read
Half the population are bullied ...
most people
only realise it when they read this page
On this page
Where are
people bullied? | What is
Recognising a
bully | Bullying and
injury to health
On another
Personal welcome from the
Why me? | Why have my
colleagues deserted me?
Read through the following checklists and learn how to recognise
the bullies in your life and the harm they cause to you and others. Then click
on the coloured text at the bottom to gain further insight into bullying and how
to deal with it.
Where are people bullied?
- at work by their manager or co-workers or subordinates, or by their
clients (bullying, workplace bullying, mobbing, work abuse, harassment,
- at home by their partner or parents or siblings or children (bullying,
assault, domestic violence, abuse, verbal abuse)
- at school (bullying, harassment, assault)
- in the care of others, such as in hospital, convalescent homes, care
homes, residential homes (bullying, harassment, assault)
- in the armed forces (bullying, harassment, discrimination, assault)
- by those in authority (harassment, abuse of power)
- by neighbours and landlords (bullying, harassment)
- by strangers (harassment, stalking, assault, sexual assault, rape,
grievous bodily harm, murder)
How do you know if you're being bullied? Bullying differs from harassment and
assault in that the latter can result from a single incident or small number of
incidents - which everybody recognises as harassment or assault - whereas
bullying tends to be an accumulation of many small incidents over a long period
of time. Each incident tends to be trivial, and on its own and out of context
does not constitute an offence or grounds for disciplinary or grievance action.
So, ...
What is bullying?
- constant nit-picking, fault-finding and criticism of a trivial nature -
the triviality, regularity and frequency betray bullying; often there is a
grain of truth (but only a grain) in the criticism to fool you into believing
the criticism has validity, which it does not; often, the criticism is based
on distortion, misrepresentation or fabrication
- simultaneous with the criticism, a constant refusal to acknowledge you and
your contributions and achievements or to recognise your existence and value
- constant attempts to undermine you and your position, status, worth, value
and potential
- where you are in a group (eg at work), being singled out and treated
differently; for instance, everyone else can get away with murder but the
moment you put a foot wrong - however trivial - action is taken against you
- being isolated and separated from colleagues, excluded from what's going
on, marginalized, overruled, ignored, sidelined, frozen out, sent to Coventry
- being belittled, demeaned and patronised, especially in front of others
- being humiliated, shouted at and threatened, often in front of others
- being overloaded with work, or having all your work taken away and
replaced with either menial tasks (filing, photocopying, minute taking) or
with no work at all
- finding that your work - and the credit for it - is stolen and plagiarised
- having your responsibility increased but your authority taken away
- having annual leave, sickness leave, and - especially - compassionate
leave refused
- being denied training necessary for you to fulfil your duties
- having unrealistic goals set, which change as you approach them
- ditto deadlines which are changed at short notice - or no notice - and
without you being informed until it's too late
- finding that everything you say and do is twisted, distorted and
- being subjected to disciplinary procedures with verbal or written warnings
imposed for trivial or fabricated reasons and without proper investigation
- being coerced into leaving through no fault of your own, constructive
dismissal, early or ill-health retirement, etc
For further information on what bullying is, click here. For an answer
to the question Why me?, click here.
How do I recognise a bully?
Most bullying is traceable to one person, male or female - bullying is not a
gender issue. Bullies are often clever people (especially female bullies) but
you can be clever too.
Who does this describe in your life?
- Jekyll & Hyde nature - vicious and vindictive in private, but innocent
and charming in front of witnesses; no-one can (or wants to) believe this
individual has a vindictive nature - only the current target sees both sides
- is a convincing, compulsive liar and when called to account, will make up
anything spontaneously to fit their needs at that moment
- uses lots of charm and is always plausible and convincing when peers,
superiors or others are present; the motive of the charm is deception and its
purpose is to compensate for lack of empathy
- relies on mimicry to convince others that they are a "normal" human being
but their words, writing and deeds are hollow, superficial and glib
- displays a great deal of certitude and self-assuredness to mask their
- excels at deception
- exhibits unusual inappropriate attitudes to sexual matters or sexual
behaviour; underneath the charming exterior there are often suspicions or
intimations of sexual harassment, sex discrimination or sexual abuse
(sometimes racial prejudice as well)
- exhibits much controlling behaviour and is a control freak
- displays a compulsive need to criticise whilst simultaneously refusing to
acknowledge, value and praise others
- when called upon to share or address the needs and concerns of others,
responds with impatience, irritability and aggression
- often has an overwhelming, unhealthy and narcissistic need to portray
themselves as a wonderful, kind, caring and compassionate person, in contrast
to their behaviour and treatment of others; the bully is oblivious to the
discrepancy between how they like to be seen (and believe they are seen), and
how they are actually seen
- has an overbearing belief in their qualities of leadership but cannot
distinguish between leadership (maturity, decisiveness, assertiveness, trust
and integrity) and bullying (immaturity, impulsiveness, aggression, distrust
and deceitfulness)
- when called to account, immediately and aggressively denies everything,
then counter-attacks with distorted or fabricated criticisms and allegations;
if this is insufficient, quickly feigns victimhood, often by bursting into
tears (the purpose is to avoid answering the question and thus evade
accountability by manipulating others through the use of guilt)
- is also ... aggressive, devious, manipulative, spiteful, vengeful, doesn't
listen, can't sustain mature adult conversation, lacks a conscience, shows no
remorse, is drawn to power, emotionally cold and flat, humourless, joyless,
ungrateful, dysfunctional, disruptive, divisive, rigid and inflexible,
selfish, insincere, insecure, immature and deeply inadequate, especially in
interpersonal skills
I estimate one person in thirty has this behaviour profile. I describe them
as a socialised psychopath, or sociopath: a violent, aggressive but intelligent
individual who expresses their violence psychologically (constant criticism etc)
rather than physically (assault). For the full profile, click here.
What does bullying do to my health?
Bullying causes injury to health and makes you ill. How many of these
symptoms do you have?
- constant high levels of stress and anxiety
- frequent illness such as viral infections especially flu and glandular
fever, colds, coughs, chest, ear, nose and throat infections (stress plays
havoc with your immune system)
- aches and pains in the joints and muscles with no obvious cause; also back
pain with no obvious cause and which won't go away or respond to treatment
- headaches and migraines
- tiredness, exhaustion, constant fatigue
- sleeplessness, nightmares, waking early, waking up more tired than when
you went to bed
- flashbacks and replays, obsessiveness, can't get the bullying out of your
- irritable bowel syndrome
- skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis, athlete's foot, ulcers, shingles,
- poor concentration, can't concentrate on anything for long
- bad or intermittently-functioning memory, forgetfulness, especially with
trivial day-to-day things
- sweating, trembling, shaking, palpitations, panic attacks
- tearfulness, bursting into tears regularly and over trivial things
- uncharacteristic irritability and angry outbursts
- hypervigilance (feels like but is not paranoia), being constantly
on edge
- hypersensitivity, fragility, isolation, withdrawal
- reactive depression, a feeling of woebegoneness, lethargy, hopelessness,
anger, futility and more
- shattered self-confidence, low self-worth, low self-esteem, loss of
self-love, etc
For the full set of symptoms of injury to health caused by prolonged negative
stress (such as that caused by bullying and harassment) click here. For details
of the trauma that results, click here.
More information
on identifying and overcoming bullying and its effects on health is in my book
Bully in sight: how to predict, resist, challenge and combat workplace
bullying; click here for book
details and click here to order a
copy online. Bully
OnLine and the UK National Workplace Bullying Advice
Line are funded by sales of Bully in
sight and David Kinchin's book Post Traumatic
Stress Disorder: the invisible injury.
My bullying and harassment investigation seminars
enable long-running conflict situations to be successfully resolved for the
benefit of both employers and employees usually without recourse to law. I also
suggest methods by which an employer can facilitate harassers and incompetent
managers identifying themselves.
Welcome to Bully OnLine, web site of
the UK National Workplace Bullying Advice Line where Tim Field shares his unique
insight into bullying and its effects on health and profits. Explore the site by
clicking the coloured text or mauve buttons at the bottom of each page. If you
have question, see the frequently asked
questions page.
Where now at Bully
Bully OnLine contains information on adult bullying
especially at work
Bully OnLine Home
Page | Am I
being bullied?
Frequently asked
questions (FAQs) about bullying
What is bullying and
why me? | What
is harassment and discrimination?
An answer to the
question Why don't you stand up for yourself?
Profile of the serial
bully - who does this describe in your life?
Antisocial Personality
Disorder | Narcissistic Personality
Paranoid Personality
Disorder | Borderline Personality
of bullying to employers and taxpayers
Cost of bullying to
UK plc | Advice
Line statistics
Information for
nurses | Information for
voluntary sector employees
Information for
teachers being bullied | Bullying in the social
services sector
Bullying case
histories | Bullying and
bystanders | Bullying and
Media requests to
feature cases etc | Bullying on TV, radio and
in print media
Hot news on
bullying | Bullying in
the news
Bullying and press
releases | USA bullying
news | Bullying
and terrorism
Resources and links to
people and organisations tackling bullying | Videos on
Bullying resources in: Australia | Canada | Finland | France | Germany | Ireland | Sweden | USA
How bullying relates
to items in the news | Bullying issues
needing research
Requests to take part
in surveys etc | Vision for
Planned training and
conferences on bullying | Other events about
Feedback about Bully
OnLine | Survivor
The Secret Tragedy
of Working: Work Abuse - PTSD...
...an Interview with Chauncey Hare, family
Tim Field's book
Bully in sight validates the experience of bullying and
defines the
injury to health caused by bullying and harassment
Andrea Adams Trust |
Andrea Adams
Workplace Bullying Helpline Appeal
Andrea Adams Trust
publications | AAT Research
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