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Life Repair Program (L/R)
Life Repair (L/R) can be done as the very first audited action on pc's. That is its natural place on the Grade Chart. The purpose of this action is to handle the charge and any out-rudiment situation in the pc's life, including situations of long duration. It is usually needed as a set up action for auditing the pc on the Grades. It is very much a program tailor-made for the individual pc. Ron Hubbard provided some guidelines in C/S Series 5, Repair Example" and some stable data in "C/S Series 1, Auditors Rights" but in practice it has been an expertise subject left to the individual case supervisor (C/S) to sort out.
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L/R is very much an |
Life Repair is a repair action (not a Major Action). It is best defined in C/S Series 1:
"The pc who starts processing for the first time is surely not F/N VGIs. He must be set up by repair actions! Simple rudiments, life rudiments, Over-run list on life ("something gone on too long"), even assessing prepared lists on life (like L1C and Green Form), these are repair actions. The pc will sooner or later begin to fly. Now, at session start you put in a rudiment for that session, get F/N VGIs and pc can run Major Actions."
C/S Series 5 states: "A Life Repair Program handles Life areas". The issue also has an example of such a program (quoted later this chapter).
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Pc, when first coming in for |
When we sum up the tools to use mentioned in C/S Series 1 and 5
we get:
Prepared lists (especially Green Form and L1C are used), Listing Overruns in life ('something gone on too long'). Rudiments, including Life Rudiments, and rudiments on specific areas, Two way communication actions followed up with Prep-checks.
The C/S would design a program that would (1) Address the pc's main complaints, and (2) Be doable by the auditors available. He would look at all the tools available to him and choose the ones he knows will get the job done in the hands of his auditors.
There is one thing which is clearly on the auditor's-C/S's side in getting results. That is basic auditing and "The Magic of Communication" as described on Level 0 in Auditing Basics. This simply noted, as different approaches can bring about the desired result and get the job done.
(Guided Tour: jump forward by click)
Examples on Life Repairs
Here are some examples on Life Repair Programs:
Example 1. Sample Repair Program (C/S Ser. 5)
Let's first look at the Sample Repair Program in C/S Series 5:
1. Two way comm on life before auditing. (Note all Falls and BDs.) Send to C/S.
2. C/S to pick up items out of (1) and Prep-check each one that still reads when checked or called (one to be called then run, no Assessment).
3. Two way comm on rough areas: "When have you had a rough time?" Note all Falls and BDs. To C/S.
4. C/S to list all F or BD items. Prep-check each one.
5. Two way comm on: "What possessions have you had?" To C/S.
6. C/S to list all F-BD Items and Prep-check them.
7. C/S Note what period of his life pc hung up in. Auditor to put in ruds on it.
8. Find out what body part or area hurts. Put in Ruds on it.
You see one pattern of doing a TWC on an out-rudiment area and take that to EP; note all Falls, LF's and BD statements and then do a Prep-check on these statements in a later session. This is very effective and relatively easy on auditor and pc's.
Prepared lists takes a well educated pc and a completed Class 3 auditor to do. They are not even used in the sample L/R example.
Example 2. Different pc:
Do a pc
Information Sheet. Back to C/S.
This interview form gives the C/S a lot of basic data to work with. What
does the pc do for a living? What people are close to the pc? Does he have
any health condition? Pains and aches? What is the pc's interests and age?, etc. Let's say
the C/S notices the pc has had troubles in his professional life and has
recently been divorced. Also the pc has persistent back troubles. These
three areas should certainly be addressed (among other things):
The program includes: do 6 Rudiments on
"Re: your ex-wife, did you have an ARC break?"
"Re: your ex-wife, did you have a problem?"
"Did your ex-wife miss a Withhold on you?"
"From your ex-wife, did you have a Withhold?"
"Re: your ex-wife, has there been an invalidation?"
"Re: your ex-wife, has there been an evaluation?"
Each Out Rudiment found is handled per Flying Rudiments or Itsa E/S Itsa.
Pc's professional life is addressed
by the C/S this way:
"Do a two way comm on 'Your professional career' to EP
Make a list of all F-BD statements and Prep-check each that reads again
before Prep-checking.
The C/S lets the auditor make the list of statements to Prep-check right
after he has EP'ed the TWC without having the folder go back to him first.
Auditor checks them for charge again as in some cases the charge may have
blown with the EP of the TWC.
Re: Back problem put in the
"Re: Your back, do you have an ARC break?"
"Re: Your back, do you have a Problem?"
"Re: Your back, has a Withhold been missed?"
The C/S does not expect this to handle pc's back, but simply to give pc some
relief from the constant worry and upset stemming from the condition.
Example 3. Different pc:
Have a metered interview done on the
pc (D of P interview)
Interviewer R-factors the pc: "I am not auditing you".
Ask him the following metered questions, noting any significant reads:
"How are you doing?"
"How are you doing physically?"
"How is your job going?"
"How is your family life going?"
"Are there any continuous worries or problems in your life?"
Make sure to get all the data available and note them down with reads.
A D of P interview means a Director of Processing Interview. D of P is the
person in charge of auditing in a larger office or organization. This
interview is designed to get data about specific questions and is not
auditing. It is not taken to EP, but is simply done to get data for the C/S.
The D of P is not trying to F/N the questions but would indicate any F/N's
occurring. It's done with TRs in and without evaluation or invalidation,
but the D of P is interested in data and can ask additional questions to get
For the sake of the example, let's say the interview reveals, that the pc
has a continuous situation at his job, which worries and upsets the pc.
The interview also reveals that pc feels worn down by his family, that seems
to put high demands on him. The pc seems stretched to the limit on this, but
is not upset about it, per se, but feels he can never do enough. His TA goes
up on telling about this. (A soaring TA usually means 'overrun' according to Auditors Rights).
The C/S writes up a program which includes:
Do an L1C with the prefix "On
your job....". This means the auditor will assess the L1C list and
address each question on the L1C to his work situation. L1C is designed to
clean up an area of upset.
The C/S addresses the other complaint
with an Overrun list. He uses a wider covering question as the pc may have
other things (including earlier similar situations), the C/S doesn't know about. The instructions are:
Ask pc: "In life, has something gone on too long?" Ask pc the
question and if charged get a reading item. Then take the item
and find the point of release or completion of that activity and rehab
it, using the Rehab by Buttons method.
Return to the O/R question to see if there are any other life O/R's. Rehab
any additional found until all life O/R's are handled.
(In example it could be moments where the pc proudly felt he had done enough
for his family).
These three examples give you some ideas of how to gather data, write up and audit a Life Repair program.
You use the techniques the auditor feels comfortable with to address the obvious problems of the pc. The charge will come off. A program, once written, should be followed. The EP can come before the program is all done and that is fine. You would end it off when you have the EP. If the pc does not seem to be done at the end of the written program, it should be extended.
When the pc no longer feels overwhelmed by life problems, feels certain he has had gains and auditing works for him and he is F/N VGIs he should be ready for Major Actions and the Grades and you have him attest to Life Repair.
He should be able to attest to the
Awareness of truth and the way to personal freedom. |
(End of Guided Tour)
Useful Definitions:
Repair: "patching up past auditing or recent life errors. This is done by prepared lists or completing an action or correcting lists or even 2-way comm or Prep-checks on auditors, sessions, etc. 2. repair is undertaken to eradicate errors made in auditing or the impact of the environment on the pc which impede the use of major processes."
Set up: "getting an F/N showing and VGIs before starting any Major Action. It means just that - an F/N and VGIs before starting any Major Action. Such may require a repair action and rudiments as well."
Life Rudiments, as the person with out ruds makes no real gain it is wise to put ruds in "in Life." This is done with, "In Life have you had an ARC break?" "In Life have you had a problem?" "In Life have you had a Withhold?"
Major Actions: "An auditor should never begin a Major Action on a pc not set up for it."
"A Major Action is defined as any action designed to change a case or general considerations or handle continual illness or improve ability. This means a Process or even a series of processes like 4 flows. It doesn't mean a whole Grade or Rundown. It is any process the case hasn't had. As an auditor routinely starts new Major Actions during a session it is vital for the auditor to understand and follows this rule. If he starts a Major Action without the case having been set up for it it can become a tangle."
Full Sample Repair Program with original comments from C/S Series 5:
The original numbering is shown here as it is part of a longer action. Points were deleted above, but shown here. Power Processes are not part of CT as seldom used in modern auditing.
II. BOGGED SESSION 6/6/70 Repaired 11/6/70 (too long a wait but done).
III. Two Way Comm on what did you experience in Power Processing Successful 1/6/70 (Revealed all Lower Grades 0-4 out, Clear Cog fed him, unable to really run Engrams.)
IV. L4BRB assessed on each list run on him, one list at a time as he recalls it.
V. Auditor, Auditing, Prep-check.
VI. Gains Prep-check.
VII. An assessed GF done to get each charge found off.
VIII. 2 Way Comm How Do You Feel About Auditing Now? Completes auditing cycle. Repair.
IX. 2 way comm on life before Scn. (Note all Falls and BDs.) To C/S.X. C/S to pick up items out of IX and Prep-check each one that still reads when called off (one to be called then run, no Assessment).
XI. Two way comm on rough areas: "When have you had a rough time?" Note all Falls and BDs. To C/S.
XII. C/S to list all F or BD items. Prep-check each one.
XIII. 2 way comm What possessions have you had? To C/S.
XIV. C/S to list all F-BD Items and Prep-check.
XV. L1C in auditing and 2 way comm on gains.
XVI. C/S Note what period of his life pc hung up in. Auditor to put in ruds on it.
XVII. Find out what body part or area hurts. Put in Ruds on it.
(Pgm can be extended to be sure pc has had wins and is in better condition than was in before auditing and no longer overwhelmed or can be cut if this occurs before then.)
(Return Pgm begins with TRs 0-9, on up the Class Chart as needed to get his abilities and ends off with a full repair of Power, rehabbing Power Prc. 4 and 5 and running 6 to EP and checking lists. He will then be back on Grade Chart properly).
"This is not a Repair Program to be copied particularly. It is given as an extent of Repair which would then be done session by session and ticked off by the C/S as he ordered each new step."
End quote from C/S Series 5.
Here is a write-up from an experienced C/S-auditor on how he does Life Repairs:
Life Repairs - How to do.
1. Start by doing a very thorough Pc Info Sheet to get all the data you can about the pc. Be very inquisitive on this. For example, on "children" also find out whether any of his/her children have been aborted, or if they have no children of their own is there a problem about it, have they wanted but can't. Even if he/she is unmarried find out his/her attitude about children and whether they look forward to having them in the future, etc., etc. Be thorough. Don't confine yourself to the printed questions on the page.
2. Take obvious charged areas and handle with
TWC. References on how to do TWC abound in the red volumes. See the index in the
Red Technical Volume 10 under "Communication - Two Way"
Particular ones are:
#PABs 52, 62, 121 - 4th paragraph.
#Vol2, page 467
#Vol 3 page 179 to 181, also p 484
#C/S series 14
#HCOB 21.4.70 - Though disregard the line about using TWC to get the EP of a
3. Then you can do the TWCs and Prep-checks from C/S Series 5. You can add to
this considerably if the case indicates it. For Example TWC friends you have
had, pets, toys, hobbies, favorite pastimes, etc.
4. You can have a copy of the Tone Scale with short descriptions of each - cull from Ruth Minshull's book if you like, and have the pc read them from the bottom up and ask for persons known in those tones and then TWC them (if they read).
5. Then you have a host of simple processes in the Intro and demo auditing pack. Choose light ones which seem to apply to the pc's case.
6. Further processes exist in Creation of Human Ability, Jan's game is a good one on un-communicative pcs - it shoots them way up-tone. There are other simple processes there too. Avoid ones which are also on the grades and avoid the ones which look like they will be too heavy for the pc.
Remember that on Life Repair you are essentially locating and handling charge which has already been restimulated by life itself, rather than restimulating new charge with a process. So keep it light and easy.
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