Grade 2 deals with responsibility, confront, Overts and Withholds. Different processes and angles are applied to the area per the listed processes below. It adds up to relieve the pc from hostilities and sufferings in life, higher responsibility and confront and a better ability and willingness to do things.
The processes are run repetitive style - each to its full EP. If any of the processes has already been run, they are rehabbed or completed and any missing flows are run.
If on any of these processes the pc only answers "Yes" you find out what it was by asking "What was it?" This keeps the itsa line and communication in.
1. |
The basic purpose for this process is to increase the preclear's ability to tolerate views. The auditor is trying to improve the tolerance and comfort of the preclear in viewing and experiencing things related to the know- mystery scale and ARC. |
F1. "Give me some things which it would be comfortable for you to look at." |
to EP |
"Give me emotions it would be all right for you to look at." |
to EP |
"Give me some efforts it would be all right for you to look at." |
to EP |
NOTE: The auditor must make sure that the preclear is absolutely certain he is comfortable in viewing such objects. The process fails when the auditor is incapable of pressing the preclear until this certainty is attained. |
F2. "Give me some things which it would be comfortable for another to look at." |
to EP |
"Give me emotions it would be all right for another to look at." |
to EP |
"Give me some efforts it would be all right for another to look at." |
to EP |
F3. "Give me some things which it would be comfortable for others to look at." |
to EP |
"Give me emotions it would be all right for others to look at." |
to EP |
"Give me some efforts it would be all right for others to look at." |
to EP |
F0. "Give me some things about yourself which it would be comfortable for you to look at." |
to EP |
"Give me emotions of yours it would be all right for you to look at." |
to EP |
"Give me some efforts of yours it would be all right for you to look at." |
to EP |
F1. "Who would it be all right to have like you?" |
to EP |
"Who would it be all right to have agree with you?" |
to EP |
"Who would it be all right to have communicate with you?" |
to EP |
F2. "Who would it be all right for you to like?" |
to EP |
"Who would it be all right for you to agree with?" |
to EP |
"Who would it be all right for you to have communicate with?" |
to EP |
F3. "Who would it be all right for others to have like them?" |
to EP |
"Who would it be all right for others to agree with them?" |
to EP |
"Who would it be all right for others to have communicate with them?" |
to EP |
F0. "What would it be all right for you to like about yourself?" |
to EP |
"What would it be all right for you to agree with about yourself?" |
to EP |
"What would it be all right to for to communicate about yourself?" |
to EP |
2. |
F1. "Get the idea of people making you friendly." |
to EP |
F2. "Get the idea of you making people friendly." |
to EP |
F3. "Get the idea of people making other people friendly." |
to EP |
F0. "Get the idea of making yourself friendly." |
to EP |
3. |
1. Do a Dynamic Assessment: Use this question to get items from pc:
F1. "What part of a (terminal) could another confront?" |
to EP |
F2. "What part of a (terminal) could you confront?" |
to EP |
F3. "What part of a (terminal) could others confront?" |
to EP |
F0. "What about yourself could you confront?" |
to EP |
4. |
The remedies for the dangerous auditor and fear of discovering are processes on 'Confront' and 'Permit to reveal' (see also Suppressor under # 9). |
1. "What could you confront?" |
Run consecutively |
5. |
F1. "What could another continue to confront about you?" |
to EP |
F2. "What could you continue to confront about another?" |
to EP |
F3. "What could others continue to confront about others?" |
to EP |
F0. "What could you continue to confront about yourself?" |
to EP |
6. |
1. "Tell me something you wouldn't mind knowing." |
to EP |
7. |
"Worrying people is almost a way of life for kids and teenagers, just as O-W is with a criminal. People who feel childish or act that way are stuck in the violent motion of childhood and worrying others. Many pc's use their processing just to worry the auditor. Worry is the most easily dramatized O-W." |
F1. "Get the idea of another worrying something." |
to EP |
F2. "Get the idea of worrying something." |
to EP |
F3. "Get the idea of others worrying something." |
to EP |
F0. "Get the idea of worrying yourself about something." |
to EP |
NOTE: People, animals, things can be used in place of "something". SPECIFIC ITEMS MUST READ. |
also run |
F1. "Get the idea of another attacking you." |
to EP |
F2. "Get the idea of attacking." |
to EP |
F3. "Get the idea of others attacking something." |
to EP |
F0. "Get the idea you of attacking yourself." |
to EP |
8. |
Criticism is an undercut and lower level of Overt/motivator sequence of action or doingness. |
F1. "Recall another being critical of you." |
to EP |
F2. "Recall you being critical of another." |
to EP |
F3. "Recall others being critical of others." |
to EP |
F0. "Recall you being critical of yourself." |
to EP |
9. |
"We have
Withholds, meaning an
unwillingness to disclose past action. We should probably call the opposite of a
Withhold, a "suppressor". A "suppressor" would be the impulse
to forbid revelation in another." |
F1. "What wouldn't you want another to present to you?" |
to EP |
F2. "What wouldn't another want you another to present?" |
to EP |
F3. "What wouldn't another want another to present?" |
to EP |
F0. "What wouldn't you want to present to yourself?" |
to EP |
10. |
"Recall a secret." |
to EP |
11. |
Also: | |
Auditor makes up a list of valences, paying great attention to those the preclear considers "unimportant" or is very slow to divulge. The auditor takes this list and runs repetitive straightwire on all reading items in descending order of reads as follows: |
F1. "Think of something (valence) might withhold from you." |
to EP |
F2. "Think of something you might withhold from (valence)." |
to EP |
F3. "Think of something (valence) might withhold from others." |
to EP |
F0. "Think of something you might withhold from yourself." |
to EP |
"The auditor never says "something else you might withhold from valence" because the auditor wants the preclear to think of some of these many times." | ||
12. |
"The main emphasis has been lately upon Withholds. These, coming after the confusion of an Overt, of course hang up on the track and tend to stop the pc in time. The Overt is the forward motion, the Withhold coming after it is the inward motion." |
F1. "What has another made you outflow?" |
to EP |
F2. "What have you made you outflow?" |
to EP |
F3. "What has another made others outflow?" |
to EP |
F0. "What have you made yourself outflow?" |
to EP |
13. |
Do a Dynamic Assessment per # 3 above. |
Run the following on terminals found per Dynamic Assessment |
F1. "Think of something _____ has done to you." |
to EP |
F2. "Think of something you has done to _____." |
to EP |
F3. "Think of something _____ has done to others." |
to EP |
F0. "Think of something you have done to yourself because of _____." |
to EP |
14. |
Do a Dynamic Assessment and run reading terminals as follows in descending order of reads: |
F1. "Recall something _____ has done to you." |
to EP |
F2. "Recall something you has done to _____." |
to EP |
F3. "Recall something _____ has done to others." |
to EP |
F0. "Recall something you have done to yourself due to _____." |
to EP |
15. |
"Some people are Not-is-ing so badly that they can't duplicate-and Not-is, of course, is a mechanism to prevent duplication. So you cure, not duplicate. And the cure for it is Not-Is Straightwire." | ||
"Recall something that you implied was unimportant." "Recall something somebody else thought was important." |
to EP |
16. |
Also: | |
"Recall a time when you thought something bad was unimportant." |
to EP |
17. |
Also: | |
Ref: Staff Auditors Conference of 16 Feb 59 |
"Find something unimportant about this room." |
to EP |
18. |
This process is worded to be a non-accusative approach to O/Ws. |
F1. "Tell me some things you think another should not have done to you." |
to EP |
F2. "Tell me some things you think you should not have done to another." |
to EP |
F3. "Tell me some things you think they should not have done to others." |
to EP |
F0. "Tell me some things you think you should not have done to yourself." |
to EP |
also |
F1. "Tell me what another has done to you that got him/her into trouble." |
to EP |
F2. "Tell me what you've done to another that got him/her into trouble." |
to EP |
F3. "Tell me what others have done to others that got them into trouble." |
to EP |
F0. "Tell me what you've done that got you into trouble." |
to EP |
also |
"What wouldn't you do over again?" |
to EP |
also |
"What are some things a person shouldn't say?" |
to EP |
also |
"What gets a person into trouble?" |
to EP |
also |
F1. "What has another done to you that he/she regrets?" |
to EP |
F2. "What have you done to another that you regret?" |
to EP |
F3. "What have others done to others that they regret?" |
to EP |
F0. "What have you done to yourself that you regret?" |
to EP |
also |
F1. "What has another said to you he wishes he hadn't?" |
to EP |
F2. "What have you said to another you wish you hadn't?" |
to EP |
F3. "What have others said to others they wish they hadn't?" |
to EP |
F0. "What have you said about yourself you wish you hadn't?" |
to EP |
also |
F1. "What has another advised you to do?" |
to EP |
F2. "What have you advised another to do?" |
to EP |
F3. "What have others advised others to do?" |
to EP |
F0. "What have you advised yourself to do?" |
to EP |
19. |
Assess: Thetan, Spirit, Mind, Brain, Body, Male Body, Female Body, Physical Universe, Earth, Relevant continent(s), town/city, street(s), house. Run the following on the reading items. |
F1. "Recall something _____ has done to you." |
to EP |
F2. "Recall something you have done to _____." |
to EP |
F3. "Recall something _____ has done to others." |
to EP |
F0. "Recall something you have done to yourself because of _____." |
to EP |
20. |
Use the Know to Mystery Scale as given on TONE SCALE IN FULL: (a) KNOW (b) NOT KNOW (c) KNOW ABOUT (d) LOOK (e) PLUS EMOTION (f) MINUS EMOTION (g) EFFORT (h) THINK (i) SYMBOLS (j) EAT (k) SEX (l) MYSTERY (m) WAIT (n) UNCONSCIOUS (m) UNKNOWABLE - starting with (m) |
Get a list of "What terminals could represent ‘unknowable'?" This is not Listing and Nulling. Complete the Assessment. Then run each reading terminal in order of descending reads as follows: |
F1. "Recall something _____ has done to you." |
to EP |
F2. "Recall something you have done to _____." |
to EP |
F3. "Recall something _____ has done to others." |
to EP |
F0. "Recall something you have done to yourself because of _____." |
to EP |
Then do the same as above on each line of the scale moving upwards. |
21. |
Make a list of 6th Dynamic terminals (not listing and nulling) by asking -" Give me some terminals that could represent the 6th Dynamic?" When pc has given all he can think of run the reading terminals in descending order of read as follows: |
F1. "Get the idea of (terminal) doing something to you." |
to EP |
F2. "Get the idea of doing something to (terminal)." |
to EP |
F3. "Get the idea of others doing something to (terminal)." |
to EP |
F0. "Get the idea of doing something to yourself because of
(terminal)." |
to EP |
also |
F1. "Get the idea of (terminal) having done something to you." |
to EP |
F2. "Get the idea of having done something to (terminal)." |
to EP |
F3. "Get the idea of others having done something to (terminal)." |
to EP |
F0. "Get the idea of having done something from yourself because of (terminal)." "Get the idea of having withheld something from yourself because of (terminal)." |
to EP |
also |
F1. "Get the idea of (terminal) having done something to you." |
to EP |
F2. "Get the idea of having done something to (terminal)." |
to EP |
F3. "Get the idea of others having done something to (terminal)." |
to EP |
F0. "Get the idea of you having done something to yourself because of (terminal)." "Get the idea of having withheld something from yourself because of (terminal)." |
to EP |
22. |
Ask "Give me some persons you
have problems with" We use persons (plural) to eliminate possibility of pc running this as an L & N type list.) |
Run the following on each reading item in descending order of reads: |
F1. "What has _____ done to you." |
to EP |
F2. "What have you done to _____." |
to EP |
F3. "What has _____ done to others." |
to EP |
F0. "What have you done to yourself because of _____." |
to EP |
Also the following responsibility process: |
"What part of your life have you been responsible for?" |
to EP |
23. |
Locate an area where pc cannot do, is having trouble or cannot take responsibility. Find charged terminals that represent that area. Run each reading terminal in descending or of reads as follows: |
F1. "What has _____ done to you." |
to EP |
F2. "What have you done to _____." |
to EP |
F3. "What has _____ done to others." |
to EP |
F0. "What have you done to yourself because of _____." |
to EP |
24. |
F1. "What could you withhold from another?" |
to EP |
F2. "What could another withhold from you?" |
to EP |
F3. "What could others withhold from others?" |
to EP |
F0. "What could you withhold from yourself?" |
to EP |
25. |
"You look around here and find something you could be responsible for." |
to EP |
"You look around here and find something you don't have to be responsible for." |
to EP |
"You look around here and find something you would permit another to be responsible for." |
to EP |
26. |
F1. "What has another done to you." |
to EP |
F2. "What have you done to another." |
to EP |
F3. "What has another done to others." |
to EP |
F0. "What have you done to yourself." |
to EP |
27. |
F1. "Tell me a flow another could get you interested in." |
to EP |
F2. "Tell me a flow you could get another interested in." |
to EP |
F3. "Tell me a flow another could get others interested in." |
to EP |
F0. "Tell me a flow you could get yourself interested in." |
to EP |
End of Regular Grade Two Processes