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Problems Processes




Fill in the blank with pc's worry or malady. Several different items can be run; in turn.

F1. "Invent a problem you could have with another for which ___ is the answer."    to EP _____

F2. "Invent a problem another could have with you for which ___ is the answer."    to EP _____

F3. "Invent a problem another could have with others for which ___ is the answer" to EP ____

F0. "Invent a problem you could have with yourself for which ___ is the answer."   to EP _____


F1. "Get the idea of solving a problem."
    "Get the idea of not solving a problem."                                 to EP _________

F2. "Get the idea of another solving a problem."
      "Get the idea of another not solving a problem."                 to EP _________

F3. "Get the idea of others solving a problem."
      "Get the idea of others not solving a problem."                    to EP _________

F0. "Get the idea of you solving a problem of your own."
   "Get the idea of you not solving a problem of your own."     to EP _________

The Case Supervisor may add a terminal if the pc complains about lots of problems with that terminal.
(You can run both versions, if reading per 'Clearing commands') The commands used would be:

F1. "Get the idea of solving a problem with (terminal)."            
      "Get the idea of not solving a problem with (terminal)."                                        to EP ___

F2. "Get the idea of (terminal) solving a problem with you."
   "Get the idea of (terminal) not solving a problem with you."                                    to EP ___

F3. "Get the idea of (terminal) solving a problem with others."
   "Get the idea of (terminal) not solving a problem with others."                                to EP ___

F0. "Get the idea of solving a problem you gave yourself about (terminal)."
  "Get the idea of not solving a problem you gave yourself about (terminal)."       to EP ___


Run on key charged terminal in PTP.

F1. "Invent something worse than_____."                              to EP _________

F2. "Invent something worse for _____ than you."                to EP _________

F3. "Invent something worse for others than _____"             to EP _________

F0. "Invent something worse for yourself than _____"          to EP _________


1. "Spot where (key terminal in PTP) is now."
    "Spot where you are now."                    Run alternately    to EP _________


Run on key charged terminal of problem. (Note: The second question can be omitted only if the pc tells you how it could be a problem in answering the first question.)

F1. "Invent a problem that is of comparable magnitude to _____"
      "How could that be a problem to you?"
      "Can you conceive yourself figuring on that?"                                                to EP ____

F2. "Invent a problem that is of comparable magnitude to you for _____"
"How could that be a problem to _____?"
"Can you conceive _____ figuring on that?"                                                         to EP ____

F3. "Invent a problem that is of comparable magnitude to _____ for others."
      "How could that be a problem to others?"
      "Can you conceive _____ figuring on that?"                                                   to EP ____

F0. "Invent a problem that is of comparable magnitude to _____ for you."
      "How could that be a problem to you?"
      "Can you conceive yourself figuring on that?"                                                to EP ____



F1. "What problem could you confront?"                                        to EP _________

F2. "What problem could another confront?"                                  to EP _________

F3. "What problem could others confront?"                                     to EP _________

F0. "What problem about yourself could you confront?"                to EP _________


F1. "Tell me a problem with another."
     "what part of that problem have you been responsible for?"      to EP _________

F2. "Tell me a problem of another with you."
"What part of that problem has another been responsible for?"      to EP _________

F3. "Tell me a problem of others with others."
"What part of that problem have others been responsible for?"      to EP _________

F0. "Tell me a problem with yourself."
"What part of that problem have you been responsible for?"          to EP _________


F1. "What two things can you confront?"                                          to EP _________

F2. "What two things can another confront?"                                   to EP _________

F3. "What two things can others confront?"                                      to EP _________

F0. "What two things about yourself can you confront?"                 to EP _________



"Considerations about the stable datum and the confusion also lead toward the auditing of problems as such. For a problem consists of two opposed stable data and therefore two confusions."
"The definition of a problem is "Two or more postulates in opposition to each other".
"Probably all pc's should be run on R-1A.  Auditing Problems, you will find, cures Alter-is-ness in a case."

F1. "What problem could you confront?"
      "What problem don't you have to confront?"                         to EP _________

F2. "What problem could another confront?"
      "What problem wouldn't another confront?'                          to EP _________

F3. "What problem could others confront?"
"What problem wouldn't others confront?'                                   to EP _________

F0. "What problem about yourself could you confront?"
"What problem about yourself don't you have to confront?"      to EP _________

(On Flow Two the command may be "What problem could another confront" which ever checks out on Meter.)


"Problems tends to collapse upon one as he solves them. When you ask someone to invent a problem of comparable magnitude, his problem goes further away in distance. When you ask someone for a solution to his problem the problem approach closer."
"We have now found the reason for this - the "penalty of solving". It is, I might comment, not an unimportant discovery for we all become victims of problem-collapse when we solve things. This is why people won't solve their problems, why they "have to have problems".
Failure to make solutions (or postulates) stick elsewhere makes the thetan "believe" that solutions collapse problems on him. A process to overcome this collapsing of problems upon one is "What solution could you make stick?"

F1. "What solution could you make stick?"                             to EP _________

F2. "What solution could another make stick?"                       to EP _________

F3. "What solution could others make stick?"                         to EP _________

F0. "What solution about yourself could you make stick?"    to EP _________


"The complete remedy of problems, of course, takes place when the preclear is convinced that he can create problems at will. Until he is so convinced, he is going to hold on to old problems. The way to convince him that he can create problems is to have him pick out, or pick up, an object. Have him examine this object until he is sure it is real. Then ask him the question: ‘What problems could this object be to you?' Have him begin to name off various problems. It will be discovered at first, as always in the handling of significances, that he begins to drain the object itself of the problems which are inherent in the object, and then will eventually begin to invent problems. The problem should be run until the preclear is convinced that he can create problems at will. Many objects can be used rather than just one if it is discovered that the preclear's attention is fixing too strongly upon the object."

F1. "What problems could this object be to you?"                    to EP _________

F2. "What problems could this object be to another?"              to EP _________

F3. "What problems could this object be to others?"                 to EP _________

F0. "What problem have you caused yourself over _____?"     to EP _________

(On each flow the command is run repetitively until pc is convinced that he can create problems at will.)


(a) Pc is asked for all self-determined changes he made this lifetime. (Only self-determined major changes.)

"What self-determined changes have you made this life?"

You can vary the question to get all different angles of changes.

(b) Take the biggest reading change and ask when the prior confusion was.

(c) Auditor predates the time of the prior confusion by a month.

(d) Auditor then Prep-checks:
"Since (date in step-c) has anything been (button)?"                  to EP _________

Several Prep-checks can be done of different Prior Confusions.



Run second command several times to bleed all charge off answer to the first.

F1. "What problem have you had with someone?"
      "What solutions have you had for that problem?"                    to EP _________

F2. "What problem has another had with you?"
      "What solutions has another had for that problem?"                to EP _________

F3. "What problem has someone had with another?"
      "What solutions have they had for that problem?"                   to EP _________

F0. "What problem have you caused yourself?"
      "What solution have you had for that problem?"                      to EP _________



1H-F1 Point out something desirable.                                             to EP _________

1H-F2 Point out something another would find desirable.            to EP _________

1H-F3 Point out something another could get others to desire.    to EP _________

1H-F0 Point out something you would find desirable.                  to EP _________

End of Regular Grade One Processes

GRADE 1 PROBLEMS RELEASE Flow 1 No longer worried about problems others have been to self. Able to recognize the source of problems and make them vanish. Has no problems.
Flow 2 No longer worried about problems he has been to others. Feels free about any problems others may have with him and can recognize source of them.
Flow 3 Free from worry about others' problems with or about others, and can recognize source of them.
Flow 0 Free from worry about problems with self and can recognize the source of them.


Re: Grade 1  - There do exist a compilation of all applicable processes developed by Ron Hubbard for this Grade. They are published as HCOB of 14 November 1987. In the rare case, the pc does not make it on the processes included, the correct action would be: Go over the reports of auditing already done on the Grade (do a folder error summary). Interview pc about the difficulty. Handle any By-passed Charge (including missed earlier actions as needed). Correct anything found and flatten unflat processes. If necessary, use additional processes not run, including processes for the Grade from above HCOB.

To Print-out version of Grade 1


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