Technical Briefing Number 6
"3 rd & 4 th DYNAMIC GAMES"
Well, hello again. I hope everybody had a very good dinner downstairs or wherever. And it's still the Free Zone
here, we've had no problems with that, as your gentleman from Halmstad here has said very emphatically: "That
you're here to stay and it is going to be free and remain free." However, I'd like to bring up a few points,
now that we have established that there is to be a 3rd Dynamic of Scientologists, free, in communication, around
the planet.
We have to look also at another hat. And that hat is on the 4th Dynamic. Yes. As you remember, when we were all
inside of the church structure, we were told repeatedly that it was "all under control", "everything
is being handled", "on the 4th Dynamic you don't need to worry about anything", "you just go
ahead and do your services and your delivery." And that was fine, except now we know that it wasn't all under
control. And it wasn't all being handled. And that is one of the reasons why we now have to do it all again. Yes.
Really for the first time, yes.
It is very much like the story of the airplane they're testing out. The new Automatic Pilot in the airplane. It's
a totally automatic computer-controlled flight from Stockholm to San Francisco. And the plane is over the North
Pole and the automatic speaker comes on - there are no pilots on board or anything, you see, it's all automatic
now, the people are sitting there, they've been automatically served their food, they're automatically shown a
movie, they're automatically relaxing, they have their tranquilizer - and the voice comes on and says: "You're
now 30,000 feet above the North Pole. The temperature outside is minus 217 degrees and there is a storm blowing
around the North Pole, as you can see below you, in which - if someone was outside in that, as you're dressed in
this airplane - they would not survive for 5 minutes. But this flight is totally, automatically computer-controlled,
and nothing can go wrong .. go wrong .. go wrong .. go wrong .. go wrong .."
OK. So much for automaticities. Again we are called upon - as products of Scientology - to take a viewpoint of
causativeness. The planet, in the situation it is in, cannot be handled by automaticity. It cannot be handled by
more lowering of people's awareness, so that they will not be aware of the problem. It can't be handled by more
drugs, and more tranquilizers, and more TV, telling them that "everything is ok", and more telling you
in the newspapers: "Let us handle it, it's all cool, nothing will happen." More bank accounts, more number
accounts, it cannot be handled that way. It has to be handled by live beings - Thetans - that understand the principles
of Scientology and the rights and duties of an individual and Thetans in the society.
Now that means, essentially, that the people who can speak out about the 4th Dynamic would be those who have some
processing and some ethical consideration.
We cannot expect a person who is going around and selling drugs, for instance, and trying to make children into
idiots by teaching them lies or rewritten history, we cannot expect those people to make decisions for the 4th
Dynamic. They already have out ethics. But Scientologists do have codes of ethics and it basically comes down to
the principle: The greatest good for the greatest number of Dynamics.
Now, if you have a 4th Dynamic, you have to look at the entire planet and people upon it. Because they're all involved
in it. Bow, you know, Sweden has a wonderful history of research and study about the problems of what is happening
in the world, and they've had many solutions to these things - and many solutions to these things - but not all
of them have been adopted, and some of them are not really good solutions - as you well know.
But, right now, the major line of attack on the planet, I would say, LINE OF ATTACK, LINE OF DEVELOPMENT, on the
planet is toward a thing called - "Mental Control".
Now, that means that the people who are in power on the planet believe that if they could control what you think,
then you are totally under control. And in actual fact, that's right, nothing wrong with that, to believe it, it
IS true. If you can control what people think, you CAN control them. The only thing wrong with it is: "With
what INTENTION are you controlling? What is the PURPOSE of controlling? Are you going to allow them to get more
and more able, more and more spiritually free, or do you want them to act more and more like a white rat in a little
cage?" You know, he has his little cage there, but you give him a little thing to run around in and makes
him think he's free, because he keeps running all day long and he never gets to the end of it.
So, they also know that if they can give you enough problems with your bank account and your tax man and your job
and your salary and your food and your health and all of these things, then you're not free. You just think you
have a lot of problems, and you have to get through these, and then somewhere on the other side you will expand,
But then you realize that this is not entirely the case, not entirely right. Somebody is setting this up for you,
is setting it up in different countries of Europe and in different countries around the world, especially in the
European and American Civilization.
I had been researching into this because I was forced into the research, following a data trail. The data trail
was: "How was the Church of Scientology suppressed and who did it?" That was the data trail. And I found
out HOW it got suppressed and WHO did it. But I also found out that the guys who did it, or the beings who did
it, were not only interested in suppressing Scientology and keeping all the knowledge for themselves, and using
the power of mental control on the civilization - because you see, Scientologists are the one people who are very
difficult to put mental control on, it's very difficult to mentally control a Scientologist - takes a lot of effort,
a lot of money, a lot of lawyers, hey?
So, anyway, I've found out they're not only interested in Scientology, but other religions as well, political parties,
educational institutions, financial institutions - in other words: there was an entire - shall we say - plan to
take control of the planet - economically, financially, spiritually and individually - on EVERYONE.
Now, this is not such a good idea if they don't have any plan for rehabilitating anyone, if they don't have any
plan for getting anyone more aware. And they don't. What they have a plan for doing is: reducing your space and
awareness down to about this big, and putting you in a box about that big, so that you think you're free. If your
awareness is only this big and you're in a box that big, you haven't found your limits of awareness yet, so, as
far as you are concerned - you're free.
The only thing wrong is: this goes totally against the purpose of Scientology, which is to get your awareness expanded
out as far as you can expand it. And if you do that, you find yourself rapidly running into the walls of these
boxes. And I don't know in Sweden how much of a box it is they are putting around people here, but in other countries,
they put quite small boxes around them. And if you are anything above Grade Zero, you run right into them! Hahaha!
And in some places, you run into them on Dianetics as well, but let's say Grade Zero. You start to put out your
comm-lines, you see, and you put out these comm-lines and you say: "Hey, well, Scientology, yes, that's a
very good idea! Man, I'll put out my comm-lines. I'm gonna make a new product here. New industry. New things. I'm
going to get in comm with these people over here that are working on health food and clean atmosphere and so on
like this. I'm going to work with these people and - aah ... yeah, we're collecting a lot of money here and we
gather this up - and then all of a sudden you find out that somebody is against you.
And the next thing you know, you've been investigated by the tax people. And the next thing you know they're holding
your bank accounts and you cannot move anymore, you cannot travel, you cannot use any money. They're investigating
you because of these people you were talking to, as apparently, he was on the wrong side of the political fence,
or he might be a bad guy, he might be a KGB-agent or something.
But this is all "Bull", you know? "Hey, that's not true! I want to expand! So I will go somewhere
here to a lawyer and try to get this handled." And the lawyer tells you: "No, that's not worth it. Don't
fight it. That's city hall. You can't fight city hall. What you better do is get out of that group and go back
to your business."
And the business you're in, it says: "Well, now, we don't want you. We've heard about the scandal you were
having in the paper over there and ..., you with those crazy people that want a clean environment, and that's against
industry, and industry, you know, if they don't have industry, they don't have jobs. Then they are all out of work,
so it's not good to have a clean environment, even if it is killing us, I mean, ... somehow it's logical, I don't
But anyway, all of that is: Gradually, you get all these losses and you get pushed down in that little box, and
you sit there and watch the television hoping: "Well, I hope somebody does something about it some day."
That's only what you run into on Grade Zero! And then Grade One: "Solve! We solve all the problems of the
civilization! Ah, I got an idea. I don't like all this banking stuff. I must set up a new way where people can
have a real stable exchange medium and currency, and they're going to be able to do free trade and all that kind
of stuff!" - and then it goes Boom ...! - and you're in court half your life and you're wondering: "What
happened here?" - you know? And the banks are all denying you any credit, and you can't work with them, and
all that stuff. You went against the plan. Now you're in the box.
Needless to say, as you go up the grade chart,( ARC, Service Facsimiles....O/W's of course in there, and you go
up through to Clear and you go up on the OT-Levels), you find it increasingly difficult to stay in your box. All
right. You know? You realize, I mean, you may even find it hard to keep your cat in the box. But imagine: These
guys are trying to work or weave a whole web of mental control around YOU, so that YOU stay in your box. Then you
have the idea.
Now, there are certain plans that they've put in Europe to put people in their boxes. One of them is - we have
found out - working this thing through the - what's it called - the European Parliament. I understand that Sweden
is not in this "common market" thing and so on like that, but it doesn't matter. This is not a "common
market." The "common market" is only the first stage. You have to think of: "What would constitute
a government? What would constitute a world government?" Eh? It would be the same like a state government,
right?, or a country government? But, you would expect them to come out and say: "Hey, we wanna create a world
government." "Anybody for it? "Against it?" "How about the constitution and all that?"
You would expect that. But that isn't the way they're doing it.
They failed two times like that. Once with the League of Nations, and once with the United Nations. So now they
are doing it a different way: They are doing the government UPSIDE DOWN. Upside down. Backwards. Backwards! The
last things first and the first things last. This is so nobody notices.
So, the first thing that they put in was the European Common Market, because that's the regulatory body which regulates
trade and exchange between the Nations. Believe me, they REALLY REGULATE it! There are a lot of people mad at what
they're doing. But one thing they're doing is making agreements with every other nation on Earth, and every other
trade group on Earth, so they have a covert connected network of trade. By the statistics in these books, they
now control 40% of the world's trade. It is controlled by the common market, or it passes through it's hands in
some fashion or another. They're also linked up to the world bankers who control 40% of the world's money.
Now, you know yourself, if somebody controls 40% of the WORLD'S money and the WORLD'S trade, then they are somebody
that most people HAVE to deal with, most countries HAVE to deal with them. Now that is just what they are promoting.
That's what they promote in here. They may control a LOT more. May be well over 50% by now.
Now, once you know these facts, you want to look at: "What are they going to do next?" Well, what they
gonna do next, now that they have the actual bureaucracy and administration and the government regulation part
in, they are going to put the government on TOP of it. And the government on top of it is composed of these European
Parliament people. They meet in this building in Strasbourg, France, right? And there's one member for every 500,000
Europeans. And they intend also to expand "Europe" to be 21 different countries with a total of 400 million
That INCLUDES Sweden, I think, as well as all the way round to Yugoslavia. All the eastern Communist Bloc countries.
Includes Spain and Portugal. All of those. They already have it all planned out.
Now, what they are doing is: putting in this lower assembly or your parliament or your House of Representatives,
a lower house of the government. Over on the side of this, they will also have a thing called the European Council
which is your Head of State of the European Nations, meeting together. Like a senate, or a House of Lords, or a
senior house of the Parliament.
However, that's not all. Once they get that done, they now will force a little bit more on the top and they will
put ... by election from these people in the Parliament here ... they will elect - first, they will have a President
of the Parliament for one year, rotating, and then they will have a President at the Council over here, like that
President of the senate or the Head Chairman of the House of Representatives. They will be here. Then they will
put in a Prime Minister, a Prime Minister and a Cabinet. All right?
Now, I can read you, exactly, the statement that says they are gonna do that. I mean, I'm not just "making
this up", right? It says: "The Prime Minister of the Union, " - that's the European Union - "
is to be elected by the Parliament of the Union acting on a proposal from the Council of the Union, for the period
of the future electoral term, which is 5 years. He is to propose Ministers of the Union for his Cabinet ..."
(And so on. Defense, trade, atomic energy, all that stuff.) ".. to the President of the Union for appointment."
Now, the President of the Union, of course, is this one year post over here - that I told you about. It's the President
of the Parliament. And the government of the Union is dependent on the confidence of the Parliament of the Union.
It may pass a constructive vote of "no confidence" in the Prime Minister of the Union. Votes of "no
confidence" may also be passed on individual Ministers.
Now, this means the Prime Minister will represent 400 million people, 21 nations, and all of Europe. That will
be the largest power of the world. Larger than the Soviet Union, larger than America, larger than the Third World.
It is the biggest, it will be the biggest, that's the way they plan it.
They will be forcing the other "smaller powers," like America and Russia and so on, into agreements,
because, you see, they have the power. If they sided with Russia then they can defeat the United States, if they
side with the United States, they can defeat Russia. It's very simple. So, they can force them into agreement,
to come under control, as they wish.
And they will also set up a banking system where you don't have Swedish Kroner anymore. You have a provision of:
"Creating a note-issuing bank which is quite independent of the States of the Union" - which means your
countries - "or the institutions of the Union" - which means nobody has control over this bank. And this
bank will be the one that controls all the currency. Just as they do in the United States through the Federal Reserve
Bank. In other words, the government does not control the money in the United States. They set up an arbitrary
independent thing, and if you really don't know what that means, it's like an independent network, like a G.O.
or something, you don't have control over it from the Org anymore. So they set up this in the United States, and
they will do it in Europe, and no one will control the money either.
Now, why am I telling you all this? Well, this is where the trail led. To this plan. Hey? Getting rid of Scientology
- and by the way - the influence of other religions on the planet. Oh, they don't want religions. You understand,
this is a competitive group. The Catholics number something like 800 million Catholics on the planet. The Buddhists
number something like over a billion Buddhists on the planet. Scientologists didn't number too much, but they have
a very powerful technology. They can find out things.
Anyway, those guys are all getting attacked. The Mohammedans, the Buddhists, the Catholics, everybody was getting
attacked. So, why am I telling you this? Because there's nothing wrong with a One-World-Government. I've been on
lots of planets - lots of planets in the universe have only ONE government for the planet. So you also experience
the same, when you travel, on the time track or whatever, and in fact, that's more usual - that they just have
ONE government for a planet. Much more usual. In fact, you might even find several planets in a confederation of
ONE government. But here you have 160 or 170 governments on the planet. We know why that is. It's explained in
the Sector Operation Bulletins, and it's explained in "Revolt in the Stars". You have here the representatives
of maybe 160 different planets or races or different cultures or governments on this planet. The Thetans came from
those particular areas. Because this was a dumping ground. IT was the place where some catastrophic events happened
quite a long time ago.
However, to get this all back together is an admirable idea, there is nothing wrong with it - AS LONG AS THE INTENTION
IS GOOD. As long as the intention is ethical, for survival. As long as the intention is for the INCREASE OF AWARENESS,
If the intention is to ENSLAVE, if the intention is to DEPRESS AWARENESS, if the intention is to PUT PEOPLE INTO
THESE LITTLE BOXES ... then it is NOT a good idea. As you well know, if you studied Psychology or behaviouristic
Psychology, or any of the "modern" techniques, they all work with rats and mice, all right? And you can
understand that they run experiments with rats and mice, you know, and they put them all in cages and they do things
with them and so on like that.
Now, if we were all rats and mice right now, right? And OUR 4th Dynamic was rats and mice, and the humans were
on OUR 5th Dynamic, we wouldn't like that at all, you see?
So, I do not intend to be a human being, or a Thetan, that is taking part in somebody's "One-World-Experiment"
treating other human beings like rats and mice, or ants, or any small animal - that they can experiment with mentally,
physically, and through all these various methods. I don't like that at all!
In fact, LRH didn't like it either. And one of the things that has come about from this finding - (we found it
- this is the trace of a line that came from: "Who suppressed Scientology?") it went right back to this
One-World-Group that's working through this principal Party here, the European People's Party - just seems to be
a big Political Party - they're just the front guys of the conspiracy. But, when you come to this, you say: "Hey,
wait a minute!". And you look around to see if anybody is doing anything about it, you know, find out if any
- if a few people even are protesting it. There's a few people saying: "Yeah, yeah, I don't like that, I'm
not gonna vote for it." But there is NOBODY PROPOSING ANOTHER GAME. And what did LRH say? "When you end
off an old game, you must give them a new game to play or the game will be getting you."
Okay, well, we got a new game on the 3rd Dynamic. Everybody being the source-point for Scientology in it's area
and following Tech and Policy. Well, now we have a new game on the 4th Dynamic. We don't like the G.O. or anybody
pretending to be able to handle it - because they can't. We know that. They didn't even grasp the hugeness, the
immensity of the plan that I've uncovered here, and that you can come and read about, if you want.
No, they didn't even come close - well they did get close to it, it's true. They did get close to it in Germany
and Austria. Several of the agents of the Guardians Office got close to this plan and they were immediately excommunicated
from the Church by infiltrated MI6, FBI Agent Alan Hubbert. That was in 1978.
I did not find them until just last year and they told me: "Hey, you found out the same thing we were working
on." So, they did start to find it, but the guys got shot. They couldn't get the data - they tried the same
thing - get the data up to LRH. Get the data to Mary Sue. Well, they didn't get it there. Well, we have it all.
There is nothing we don't know about their plan to take over and put in a total One-World-Dominated-Slave-Government.
Believe me, it is Mental Enslavement. They don't want you to think you're anything but an ANIMAL. All of your thoughts
will be monitored from childhood and controlled by the idea that you're an animal. Yep, that's what they wanna
And they want to further ensure, that they have an ELECTRONIC control over your thoughts, by putting in radiation
and beams and control your actual thinking. To say nothing of the experiments going on in the United States, where
they are talking about implanting a small chip - very small chips the size of a pinhead - in a person's head area,
or in his chest at birth, so they can monitor them for the rest of their life.
This is already being proposed to the United States Government and they're doing a whole project on experiments
with this. I'm sorry to say that spiritual advancement and psychic development - you know - "development"
of theta-abilities has become a STATE-SECRET in the United States, has become a STATE-SECRET in Russia, has become
a STATE-SECRET in the most "advanced" countries - so-called "advanced" - they're NOT REALLY
advanced. But why is it a secret?
Because it's a weapon. Just like the atomic bomb was put behind the "Shades of Night" into the government
arena, and nobody could know about atomic bombs in the 50s, nobody can know about psychic development now. It's
the top secret stuff going on behind the scenes, and that isn't only theta abilities that I'm talking about. I'm
talking about mind control, intention beams, waves to control your thoughts, small electrode implantation in the
person, or in the TV or in the automobile, or various ways to keep you all on the national computer scheme.
Ok, now, those are coming things they're using for weapons of war. In a way, it reminds us all, of course, of the
often - often we run into them on the track, I'm sure you've run into these guys called the "Thought Police".
You know, they said they had a Thought Police and they're controlling your thoughts, and you better not do anything
against the government, or they will implant you or something. And you'll always find out, sooner or later, that
the "Thought Police" really were guys with no particular ability, except they had some very clever micro
circuitry that they either implanted on you, on your telephone, on your car, on your friend or whatever, and they
heard everything that you were saying, or they had a whole network of spies around, and they heard what you were
saying. So they pretended to know your thoughts all the time.
The thing is: To know everybody's thoughts, you'd have to have an auditor for every citizen on the planet in session
with him 8 hours a day, right? And if they did that, hell, we could clear the planet very quickly. So they can't
do it that way.
In other words, don't worry about people knowing your thoughts, because, you know, they would have to have auditors
and an incredible computer to take all this session data in every day. And then, they'd have to know rudiments
to clean up the guy for the next day and they would have to do something with him, sooner or later, or the guy
would ARC-break and blow session. So they might have to just put in the bridge, you see, so they won't do it that
way. They don't really know your thoughts. They don't really want to know them. All they want to know is that you're
doing what they say, and that your actions are controlled.
Ok, sorry to make it so blunt, but that's what's happening in the world, and it's going on very quietly behind
the scenes. I found out that the secret studies of the psychic events and psychic war affairs, and all that, is
a phenomenon that is receiving increasing notoriety in the newspapers and so on. You get little bits and pieces
of it, but never very much.
They're way far ahead of anything you see put out in the papers. We know, for instance, that the Russians are using
telepathic control on their spy lines right now. They are funning agents over hundreds of miles distance by telepathic
control. In other words, they're sending their messages back and forth telepathically, and nobody can intercept
them, except another telepath.
How do I know that? Because when I was over in Germany, I picked up a few of them going by. I said: "Hey,
what's that?" You know, you're used to having Ron talk to you, or maybe another Scientologist says: "Hey
man, I'm coming over." You know? "Ok man, I'll go down and open the door," and he's there, you know?
That happens all the time with Scientologists.
But I had this weird feeling, you know, just getting up in the morning, and: "Agent Cherenko report to Mogador
and go to Section B2. Agent Cherenko, repeat: Go to ...". It's coming through, it's a thought! What was that?
Picked up as a line coming out of East Germany and going to Africa. Right? Was a Russian thought message.
So, anyway, believe it or not. When you go over to Germany, you can try and pick up a few yourself. But we have
it from another source. I did not - I told that to a few people, they said: "Yeah, maybe so." - however,
I'd been, before I told anybody about that, in England, where we had a friend in the intelligence service - and
he said - (the guy was interested a bit in Scientology, because of the stuff we're working on) - and he said that
his friend told him the other day, that the Russians are already using telepaths in their spy work! And then this
guy came: "Hey, did you know the Russians are already using telepathy in their spy work!?" I said: "Well,
as a matter of fact, yes, I did. I picked up some of their stuff they were practicing with over there in Germany."
"Oh." Well, anyway, he thought he was gonna give big news to me - you see - but I did happen to be on
the line. But anyway, the funny thing about this is, the funniest thing about all of this is: Do you see how valuable
Scientologists are gonna be in the New Civilization? They're gonna be the only people that know what's happening.
You'll be the only people on the planet that really understand what's happening. Because, YOU can pick up the telepathic
comms. You can understand when the government is lying to you, and when they are telling you the truth. You know
the Overt-Motivator-Sequence, the appearance of people trying to withhold, all of that sort of thing.
And, as you audit many, many hours you will realize that it's very easy to pick up what people are really thinking,
if you want to. And you can also pick up emotions and various things. Well, from Dianetics, you can learn that
very easily. And you can pick up the whole thing, mental image pictures and anything like that, and the next thing
you know, if you put your attention on it, you'll find out whatever you want.
If you put your attention on your own file, for instance, your own file in the government files in Stockholm, or
whatever country you're from, it will come to you where that file is. And not only this, you start to get a feeling
of what's in it, and not only that, very soon, you will be able to see exactly what's in it. And not only that,
but you will find out who the agents are that take care of your file. And not only that, but you find out what's
happening with your friends who are also filed next to you.
Do you understand what I'm saying? It's OT-abilities. OT-abilities. And what it is, the governments of the world
are AFRAID of us, you see. Why do you think they're spending so much money trying to wipe out the "Squirrels"?
The "Squirrels" AREN'T UNDER CONTROL! The "Squirrels" can find out anything! I know I wouldn't
- if we were doing something here and one of you guys started playing around, you know, like running yoga into
your sessions or something like that, or drug therapy or something like that, into your auditing sessions, we wouldn't
spend thousands of dollars on lawyers and private detectives and all that stuff.
We would just quit sending people to you. Doesn't take much. Just: "Ok - see, you won't play that game? Go
away." Just - maybe put a little article in the magazines - you know? "Don't go to the guy, he squirrels".
We know it won't work. And why are these guys spending millions - and believe me, they do spend millions - to wipe
out the squirrels around the world?
Because the government is behind them, and not only the government, but the One-World-Guys behind them are AFRAID
of us. Don't even believe anything else, they are AFRAID of us! Right. That's where it's at.
Now that's your 4th Dynamic Game Level. WE are the people that are responsible for the rest of humanity. To one:
get them on the bridge. Two: to sort of hat them on what the mental war is all about. And three: to give them another
game to play. And the other game is called the New Civilization Game.
And that's - I think it's printed up in Swedish - but it has several purposes to which everyone can agree, and
are good for survival. And those purposes are things like: well, let's clean up the planet. It's our house, you
know. Let's clean it up a little bit, knock out the pollution, get the food good and the water pure and let's have
a stable medium of exchange. Let's not have rates of money going up and down. Let's have a stable currency here.
Let's get a stable medium of exchange.
We've already got one by the way, it's called the "Galactic Credit", and it's gonna be based on metal
of value, like gold, silver, platinum - that kind of thing. But it's also gonna be underwritten by the auditing
intensive. The Standard Auditing Intensive.
Therefore, it WILL be standard, because wherever you get a standard auditing intensive, this thing will be good.
And it can always be turned in for that amount and it will be roughly what they are charging for a standard auditing
intensive in the Free Zone.
I didn't bring it with me, but I have colored pictures of these things. We'll first issue them out printed as a
Credit Note on one side, and what it's all about it on the back. We'll have the conditions and where you can turn
it in, what Free Zone Place you can get your various payment and so on. It will be - first of all - it'll be a
bond-type issue - in other words: you're buying an investment in some OT-projects or something, and you can always
get auditing for it, or within a year or so you can get gold or silver or whatever we have at that time. So, this
will be - we'll start them out as investment issues. But they will eventually become currency on the planet, because
they are so stable. They won't hardly vary. They won't vary with inflation or depression. They'll be the same.
The value can be gotten from these things. But that's another thing we need on the planet.
Another thing we need is an appreciation more of culture and artistic-type endeavors, right? People, there are
so many artists and so many musicians given bum education on that, they don't even know the definition of art.
They're patronized by people that want them to produce "bank-art" - you know - it's all just stuff from
the bank. You know, we went to an exposition in Paris recently. I went in there - who is it? - the Pompidou Museum
or something like that. And, I mean, you had to hold your nose around some of the art. Not because it, you know,
was figuratively bad, but because it PHYSICALLY stank! Right, they were making the sculptures out of old tennis
shoes and socks, and trash, and things pulled out of the backyard, they just pasted it all on a board, you know,
it's all mess, junky stuff you know, and they put some paint on it like that. Ketchup bottles, and old food and
old banana skins. Yes, you had to hold your nose as you went through that. That was modern art, right?
I would say it's just BANK. It's just people's trash. You know, it's real trash. Here it was displayed in that
fantastic building you know. "Ah!" Wouldn't it be nicer to have some real OT art in there? You know,
some people having a fantastic viewpoint from exterior, or an outer space scene or something? Even beauties of
the planet. Something more aesthetic and more Theta than that, my god! So, anyway, that's another thing that's
Another thing that's needed is communication and coordination between people. And we're working on this project
on the 4th Dynamic to try to get more and more of the Free Zone people connected up. With, like, computer links,
and all that.
We're also working on inventions that will improve the lot of mankind. Which means, things that can power your
computer without depending on electricity, so you can power from sunlight, so you're not dependent on any electrical
system by the government that can turn you off. You may still maintain your comm line bounced off a satellite,
whatever. We want to put up our own satellites, for instance.
We have a company that's, in a way, involved with something like that. And if they come up with some money, well,
we can put up our own. We have several ideas, and some of them, I admit, come off of the track. And many other
Scientologists REMEMBER things. They come up. That's one of the plus-points of auditing. You may remember something
that's a very valuable invention or something, and run out to get a patent on it, on this planet, and go with it.
And there are many other things that are needed to make a New Civilization here, right? And there are things to
be AVOIDED. In other words: things that you shouldn't agree with, should NOT agree with that will lead to the little
white mouse in the cage things. You understand? Like voting for things that will allow babies to be implanted with
a little electrode at birth or - you know - the free use of drugs on everybody and so on like that.
That's like you HAVE TO KNOW THE GAME. You have to KNOW what the alternative is. You have to KNOW, to be able to
make a choice. And then we come to the final thing: to be able to make a choice, people have to have the DATA OF
You can't make a choice between a One-World mind-control government and nothing. Although they're TRYING to make
you decide between that or atomic war. You see? Because they're putting a horror of atomic war over you. If you
don't do this, you gonna have atomic war. No, they won't. It's false. They are trying to make you decide between
atomic war and a One-World-Government. That is NOT the decision.
The decision IS between the One-World-Government that keeps you like mice or a New Civilization where everybody
is freely communicating and coordinating, just like we do on the 3rd Dynamic. And you can still be in your country.
You can still be in your city. You can still be in your own group. You don't have to have everybody under the same
control to prevent war. War is an ABERRATION. It's NUTS. All right?
Just like you don't have to have all Scientologists under control to keep ethics in. You don't have to put them
all into a cage to have ethics in because most people ARE ethical. All except about 2%. That's the figures and
we know these data.
So, who's gonna be there to make the decision between a New Civilization and a mind-controlled Civilization? WE
have to be there. WE have to instruct people. WE have to let them know there is an alternative. WE have to let
them know they have a choice, not only on this planet for their own survival and their own expansion, but very
soon they're gonna be linked up to Intergalactic Civilization.
And that is another thing, which I know you all have been waiting for. And you may have some back pay - do you?
- in some organization out there. You may have an old home or an old hunting ground you would like to go and see.
But it is true. Very soon there WILL be a link-up again with the old Galactic Civilizations.
Now, it's not just because I say so. Because we found out that these guys are ALSO planning a link-up. They are
planning a link-up on the basis that it would be better if everybody joins this ONE PARTICULAR group operating
in nearby space. If they would join this one particular group because they are in the SAME agreement. They like
implanting and they like to keep people under control.
So, if Earth comes to the awareness in a few years that there IS another Civilization out there, and: "Hey,
look at that! Wow! It's the only one we know about." AGAIN they'll be faced with the choice for which they
have no comparable magnitude datum. They have no datum to compare.
So they say: "Oh, look at that! Hey, these guys out there, they have airplanes! Wow! They wear clothes just
like they do in New York City! Wow! Look at that! They have spaceships and .. wow .. they say they'll help us,
and .. wow .. we gonna trade with them and .. aah .. that'll be very good, they want to actually get in a big agreement
with us and have our world government join up with theirs! Oh, fantastic! You know! That'll be really great, ...
haha ...".
The funny thing is, you know, the guys are not - when you really look at them - they're not very friendly, they
look a bit - thetanwise - they look a bit "dark". But who's gonna notice that if there aren't any Scientologists
around to say: "Hey, look! That's a Marcabian. Those fuckers are implanters!" You don't want to mess
around with them!"
So, unless they hear from us: "Look! There's at least, I mean just in the NEAR space here, you know, there's
at least a hundred different systems and races around. I mean if you don't believe so, look at the planet here.
Look at the planet here. How many races and so on are around? So, there's also the same duplication of it out there
because that's where they usually came from in the beginning, you see?
And we know for instance: The Japanese have been working for centuries now, and especially since World War II to
be able to get back to their own Home Civilization. Well, as you might expect, they have a civilization very similar
to modern day Japan, and very similar to the beliefs and the customs of working together as an enormous 3rd Dynamic,
you know, production and industry and all that.
They want to go back there. They're just waiting to get the Ok to do space travel. And then they are going to take
off. We know that. We have a verification from them as well. They're totally interested in the New Civilization.
So there is another one right there. I mean - to tell you the truth - I mean, instead of having a nice implant
put in your head or something when you're born, I think I would much rather have my back walked on by a geisha
girl, you know?
So, if we've got a choice, I mean just between those two, I already know what I would choose. And I don't even
know any Japanese very well, you know? But I already know that's better. I mean - even though maybe we would have
to - you know - slant our eyes a little bit and put the hair down and say: "Ah - so" - but, so what?
That's better than running around with an electrode in your brain and every time you think: "Whing!",
you know? And not being able to expand, and if you have an idea you get it cut and suppressed. Oh no, no way! Those
guys ARE expanding, so that's okay.
But that's just another one. Well, there's a lot more than that. And of course there is the BEST idea, just like
we do it in the Free Zone, sometimes called the Independent Scientology Movement. Why don't we just REMAIN independent.
That'll be a FREE ZONE PLANET. Hey, now that's the BEST idea! See? Then we can make trade arrangements with whoever
we wish. From the 4th Dynamic here to the 4th Dynamic wherever. And if people want to visit their homes, their
old homes, and see their homes and so on, they can do that. When you're a citizen of this planet, you're on a Free
Zone Planet. And then, you know what happens to free trade zones, don't you? You know what happens with places
like Gibraltar and Las Palmas and places that are free trade parts, right? A LOT OF BUSINESS! Lots of business.
Lots of buying, selling, industry, prosperity and so on like that. Lots of tourists, all kinds of them.
So, I kind of like that idea, because Earth has been out of comm with these guys for a long time, because of it's
problem. You know - aberration. This is a very aberrated place. But it's gonna be back in comm with them soon,
so we might even make it a kind of a festive, joyful occasion and celebrate it like: "Hey, you know, this
is a Free Zone Planet! You guys who come here to visit: bring your money, bring your gold and, you know, valuable
things from other planets and trade them here. We'll give you something like maybe a 25 hour Intensive! You know,
hand-made special art from the planet, you know, and so on .." But we can set up a really good deal here and
next thing you know, we would all be running around in spaceships. We'll have our own spaceyachts because these
guys want to trade. They WANT something.
Now, what they want is, of course, a good technology. Because this had to be the proving ground for the technology,
right here on planet Earth. This was the worst aberrated area, and it had to be here as you well know. I mean,
look at the place.
I mean, just the fact it has 190 governments on it. And, I mean, you have wars going on every day. I mean, you
know, it's a VERY aberrated place. The Thetans ARE basically good. Well, if they're basically good, we must have
all the bad ones here. Any slightest chance, any little chance, of them being bad, we must have most of them here.
No, it's not that. It's just that they've been implanted. They've been aberrated. They've been - you know - had
a little more knocking around than other Thetans. But they can all come right. They can all come right, if we do
the 3rd Dynamic game together with the 4th Dynamic game.
So let people know: "Hey, look, it's gonna be a choice. When you come up to decide, decide between Mental
Slavery and a Free Zone Planet." There is no atomic war there. That's off the schedule. Nobody is gonna be
allowed to do that anyway. So, this is totally outlawed in this Sector. Don't have to worry about it. Somebody
might try it, but they're not going to get any agreement, and you're not going to get any wholesale atomic war
or biological or chemical war. But what there WILL be - is a gradual enslavement of people's thoughts and mental
control, where they're forced to decide to join up with these guys here, called Marcabians.
And if we don't get in there and say: "Hey, look, this isn't gonna be the only alternative you have. There
are plenty of other people you can join up with! The Japanese, you know, or the Moslems. Or you can join up with
these guys the Buddhists go back to. Or you can join up with these guys that the Polynesians go back to. Because
there is a big Sea Planet up there. Because they like a lot of water and so on like that. Take the canoes for a
long time, you know, eat off of the trees. That's right, there's a whole planet for that."
You can join up with any of these guys, but my god, let's just not join up with guys who just want to crunch you
down further. Because you have the 1-2 punch that will handle this planet in the future, and that 1-2 is of course:
the 3rd Dynamic with the Scientology Tech, and your 4th Dynamic with the New Civilization.
And once you know all that, you know everything that is necessary to know for your survival in the coming next
10-20 years. I mean, that's what we've been able to uncover by using the Data Series and using the Investigator
Tech of HCO, applied to the situation of: "Who's attacking the Church and why?" You understand?
And when we came out of it, that's what the data showed us. That's what it was. It's evaluated. It's been verified
now by 5 different sources - by 5 different people. They were also trained in the Data Series and didn't believe
my evaluations. Then they did it and they can't get to another conclusion, because that's where the data leads
So, anyway, we're going along that line and we give you the data free. And the idea is - because we need resources
to handle. And we need Scientologists: people who are free, thinking clearly, understanding Policy and Tech, who
can be able to advise the 4th Dynamic, who can be able to see where it's going and say to you: "Hey, wait
a minute. No, you don't wanna vote for that law about that little chip. No, no. I know, it's confusing and all,
and it sounds like a very good thing. But don't vote for the law that says about the little chip. You .. no ..
you didn't get it .. no, no, no .. it says .. it .. no, no, no .. it didn't say what you thought it said. You thought
it said it was going to help you to get better food at the supermarket, but it didn't say that. It said: "Intracostal
Biological Implantation". Yeah, but you didn't understand that, did you? No, no! What they mean by that is
they're going to put an electrode in your chest - right here, above your heart, right? And if you get out of line,
they put a pain signal through it, and you have a heart attack!"
"Oh, really! I thought it meant that they were gonna irradiate the milk, so that my baby would be healthier."
"Hoho, no, no, no, no, no. They were going to put the electrode in there, right there, you see? And if that
law passes ... Bye-bye!"
"Oh, no! Now I understand it. Ok!"
You see, people have so many misunderstoods today, right? Very many misunderstoods. They don't even understand
what a Thetan is.
And that is the first one. They don't really or don't even understand that they ARE a Thetan! Well, that's this
planet! We need more PE courses around here. Personal Efficiency Courses and Basic Courses. Well, that will come.
That will come. But now we know how to handle it.
Anyway, it wasn't handled before. We now know what the game is. Spread the news as far, as fast, as you want. Write
it up. Copy what I've written. I don't care. Just get it out there and let's have a future for this planet that
makes it into a Free Zone Planet where it determines it's OWN destiny. Not a destiny that's determined for it by
a bunch of suppressive individuals that just want to totally control it. And, I think, that all of you are for
that purpose which I just stated on the New Civilization and for keeping it a Free Zone Planet because you're HERE,
because you're SCIENTOLOGISTS, and you've gotten to be Scientologists because you are who you are.
Why aren't a lot of other people here? Because YOU are here. And you are the people that got into it, all right?
And I am too. I am like that too. I got into it because I felt responsible and I felt responsible for more than
I could say at the moment. I couldn't get anybody to listen. I finally had to get a lot of auditing and I realized
what I was being responsible for.
And that's not only me, not only different Dynamics, but also the future, the FUTURE of this planet. Do you realize
that? If you don't take responsibility for the future of the planet, we won't have any planet in the future to
which we can come back to safely. Which you can pick up another body in, on which your children can live safely
YOU put the future there! YOU have to put it there! There's not many people doing it - I can guarantee you - the
only ones that are, are Scientology people and a few little power groups that are trying to take over control.
And the reason they are trying to put it there is so that they can control YOU and all the rest. And the reason
they are putting it there the way they are, and the reason you can spot when they're doing this - these guys at
the top of these guys - not the political guys - but up at the top - the World Bank level, Basel, the thirteen,
the three secret guys in a little group which a lot of people had heard about in different ways. They think it's
a secret society, they think it's this - it's none of these things - it's just a group of a few Marcabian individuals,
Thetans, that know, THEY ABSOLUTELY KNOW that they're Thetans, and they know that they are picking up bodies down
the time track and they're pushing their scenarios to get everything under control. And they know this, and they
keep it a SECRET from everyone else - except us.
So really, when it comes right down to it, there are only two groups on the planet. There's the Free Zoners, the
Scientologists, and there's the Marcabian One-Worlders. That's really it. You can just break it down this way into
these two categories. And then, in that, you look for allies, and you look for people who are not enemies, but
they are "on the other side". And you USE the allies and you say: "Ok, you guys are against the
same thing we're against. This is the alternative. A New Civilization."
"Hey! I like that! Let's do it!" Right. The OTHER GUYS, you say to them: "Hey, you guys, you've
been fooled!" - because they all ARE, by the way. There are so many secrets on the other side that they fooled
everyone down below a certain level. "And you can guarantee, if you go on in there, you'll be BETRAYED. At
the end of this, you're to end up being taken over, you're going to end up being implanted, you're going to end
up all of this stuff." They will go: "Wait a minute, maybe you're right." Or there are also the
people that are trying to take over FROM those guys and THEY WILL BE BETRAYED, TOO. Because they're letting them,
they're allowing them, to come along with their power groups and so on until the top. And then, they snip off the
top and they have the group.
It's all politics, but these guys are good at playing it, because the Marcabians are playing it from the Theta
Game Level. And the only people on the planet capable to play it back that way are Scientologists. So that, more
or less, explains what the game is, why they are interested in taking Scientology over and why they are so interested
in spending millions of dollars to wipe out the Free Zone.
In other words: WE ARE THE HOPE FOR THE FUTURE OF THE PLANET. Just because we have the knowledge and we have the
Tech and we have the Policy. The more people that take their responsibility, the easier it's going to be. And I
don't know about you, but I decided to take it when I joined Scientology. But especially after all the troubles
that happened in the Church.
And I said: "Well - to tell you the truth - you can have a 1st Dynamic reason for taking it too, taking responsibility,
and I told you before - in the other lecture - not ALL of the auditing you do is done in the auditing room. Some
of the auditing you do is right outside here in the 3rd and 4th Dynamics.
Well, you can also have, if for no other reason, you can do it for CASE GAIN. Because you will get case gain from
doing it. I can't tell you, in the last two years, how much case gain I've had from doing this particular auditing
process on the 3rd and 4th Dynamics. Things that were fearsome things, that were horrible things, that I go: "Aaah,
Uuuh, Hell, I need a million dollars to handle that!" Things that I thought I couldn't handle. I went and
just confronted them with the intention of handling on the 3rd and 4th Dynamic and it just went: "Pffffsst
THERE WASN'T ANYTHING THERE. All there was were the things that I had NOT confronted on my way down the spiral.
And I just went back and confronted them all the way up and now it's very easy, VERY easy. All right?
None of the mental control devices they have developed on the planet can affect anyone of Scientology that understands
the game on the 3rd and 4th Dynamic and has good TRs. If you do NOT believe the game of what is going on, well,
then you are not looking at the truth. I'm sorry, then you CAN be affected by these things. Because if you don't
believe they're there - and they ARE there - and they are pushing in on your case or your bank or your theta-beingness
or your body, they can affect it. Believe me, they are just as much THERE as a car running down the street. If
you walk across the street, even if you don't see the car, and it hits you - YOU'LL KNOW IT. The same way with
these beams and telepathic devices they have invented and amplifiers and all this stuff you read about in the bulletins,
They ARE there. We have some of our own scientists researching on ways to counter them and jam them and shut them
off and so on. And we've been very successful at that. But in the meantime, if you understand they are there and
you have good TRs, they won't affect you. Because you can SPOT what it is coming in. And you say: "Ah, that's
not from me, that's from over there!" Zipp! - finished. Send it back to Basel. Stick it in the tower. Whatever
you want to do.
Anyway, it's a game that we CAN play because that's a 7th Dynamic game, you see? That's not 4th. That's 7th. What
is it? 7th! Eh? 7th! All right! That's a 7TH DYNAMIC GAME. Handling telepathic things, mental rays, mental beams
and so on like that.
Who can play a 7th Dynamic game on this planet? Scientologists? Yes. Buddhists? A few, yes. A few other spiritual
people that have managed to get up there without doing their Grades, keyed out for a little while. But not many
others, I'm sorry to say. Just the Marcabians and mostly Scientologists.
So, we have ANOTHER responsibility: to get this across to people on the planet AESTHETICALLY as well. Because I
can talk to you like this - but you can't go out in the street and talk to people like that because, first of all,
their reality is not high enough. I hope I'm not exceeding YOUR reality, but I always feel an emergency like that:
If you're drifting along in a ship toward the rocks, then you ought to yell up to the crew: "Hey, we're drifting
into the rocks! I don't care if this breaks your reality, but get the hell out here NOW and let's handle it!"
And that's the kind of situation it is on the 4th Dynamic. Because these elections for these guys right now is
on the 17th of June and they'll be sticking in this prime minister guy and all their political scenarios in the
next few months. They have a 7 year plan, which is laid out in Sector Operation Bulletin No. 19, if you haven't
read it.
That plan is going along TOTALLY as predicted. It was predicted in, or as we found out, predicted little parts
of it, and we put it in the bulletin in February and all the intelligence data we were getting from everywhere
in the world, from different sources, from different lines - and they're totally from everything - from friends,
radio, newspapers, intelligence agents, Scientologists, people who work in the place, other people, just strangers
on the street - it's going along EXACTLY ON THE SCHEDULE. 100% exactly. In fact, they're even RUSHING to make sure
that they don't go behind on that schedule.
Now, I bet you that somebody is going to be coming around and saying: "You know, the reason they're doing
it - that's because you put it out in the Sector Operation Bulletins. They took that scenario and they're running
it!" (Laugh) No, they were already running it a long time. They have been running a LONG time. And we just
predicted this one because we had to uncover the one they did on the Church. So by uncovering the one on the Church,
we learned all about how they do them, it's very simple.
Now, on the aesthetic level, we want to get agreement. A good way to get agreement is by aesthetics: art, music,
and so on. And I've written a symphony, a New Civilization Symphony in B-Flat, and it's music - you understand?
I want to get that played by a symphony orchestra and put across a message to the population.
I just want to read you one thing here. I have a little description of every movement, and to end off, I just want
to read one thing here. This is from - first of all, it covers - it covers - I will tell you what it covers first
- it covers the "Old civilization", "The Alternative" - which I told you about, the New Civilization
Game, - "East meets West" - because we must have a bringing together of the Eastern spiritual ideas and
the Western technological ideas - I mean, WE know there ARE spiritual matters. WE know there ARE technological
matters. But the meeting has occurred in Scientology, right? Many of you were probably Buddhists before, but the
meeting of East and West HAS occurred in Scientology. LRH MADE it happen with the E-Meter connected with auditing.
Theta stuff connected with physical electronics. He did it. he brought it together. But it hasn't been done in
the 4th Dynamic yet. We're hoping to do that between Japan and some Buddhists and some guys over from this side.
Ok, so that's "East meets West". And then another one is called "The Awakening" - where people
cognite: "Hey wait, I'm more than MEST, more than a body". You know? And the other guy cognites: "Hey,
the reason why we haven't got so far in 2000 or 3000 years is, we haven't been using any Tech, some technological
things!" So BOTH sides can cognite, and they can cognite there's a purpose for the planet.
And then the next one is "International City", which is of course LRH's Plan for World Peace, written
in 1963 I believe, and he has a part in there called "International City", where it's a whole plan for
the governments of Earth to meet in a certain place, and a city built in the middle of the Sahara Desert. Well,
not in the MIDDLE. Toward the coast which is the site of the old Capital City of this planet. Great plan. You should
read it. We have it on our computer. Maybe we can get that out if we can get some money to publish it.
That's one thing. Then the next is "Attainment", which means: "people when they get ON PURPOSE can
attain what they want, and they WILL attain their purposes AND their goals on all their Dynamics.
The next is "Peace and Prosperity", because when people ARE attaining, their exchange and everything
is IN, and they WILL get peace and they WILL get prosperity.
And the last one is called "Ad Astra", which means of course - "to the stars" - and this is
the one - I'll just read you this - a little bit to end off. It says: "Ad Astra" - to the stars - "the
harnessed, aligned and channeled energy of Earth's New Civilization is put to use to expand starward. New Civilization
ideas and inventions have been encouraged and the barriers of space travel have been overcome."
"This movement tells of the journey to the stars, with the firm hope and confidence of all mankind supporting
it. You are invited along, musically, as the great ship lifts off into free space and makes it's course corrections.
The voyagers first experience wonderment at the vast beauty of space, coupled with nostalgic memories of their
beloved home planet."
"Then comes the awaited discovery and communication with another civilization far from the Solar System and
the joy of finding it to be of similar purpose and aims as the New Civilization of Earth."
On landing, the power is shut down, and then in the finale, the two civilizations unite to express their friendship,
and to align their future to the greatest good of both.
So - we have a 4th Dynamic game: It's called "New Civilization". And we have a 3rd Dynamic game: It's
called "Free Zone Scientology".
And again, I want to thank Ron for this, because without him I wouldn't be able to play the game myself. I would
probably have been killed by a motorcycle accident 30 years ago. So, I'm sure you all have similar reasons for
being here, and not being somewhere else at this time.
Thanks to all of this, we can start doing our auditing out there - not just in the auditing room. We can come out
of the auditing room, we can come into the society, we can come into the groups, we can come to the 3rd and 4th
Dynamic, and even to the 7th Dynamic, mind you, and 8th and 9th and 10th! We come out and do our auditing OUT THERE.
Think of what an effect that will create! Yeah, and think back what it says in the Factors: "The highest purpose
in the universe is the creation of an effect." So, all I can say is, if you are going to create an effect
on this part of the spiral, make sure it's an ethical effect, because then you keep on going UP! All right?
And if you create an UNETHICAL effect you go down. But believe me, I think a lot of you will support me in this
opinion - now this is totally an opinion.
But in MY auditing and looking at track, I think - now correct me if I'm wrong - I think MOST of the unethical
effects that COULD have been created - WERE ALREADY CREATED! Most of the UNETHICAL and OUTETHICAL things - I've
seen them, I have run into it. Now it's time to say: "Hey, you wanna create a BIG EFFECT on everybody? The
big effect you CAN CREATE is an ETHICAL EFFECT. One that guarantees MORE SURVIVAL. Oh, that's BIG! All right?
So, you want to create an effect? Let's put a New Civilization here! Let's put a Free Zone Planet here!
Are you with it?
Ah, yes!
Thank you!
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